[[Personal Log]]

Aug 08, 2009 18:33

"I got accepted into the Academy on the proviso I took suppressors. It made me feel bad and wrong and like something was inherently not good about me, like how I naturally was was a problem. And some species have better brains and others have better physical strength, some even have stuff like telepathy they can use to intuit test scenarios, and they all get to keep that, but I couldn't keep what was--special about me, or my species. Like sex was something scary and wrong and dangerous.

"N and Professor Spock helped me see how the suppressors didn't mean I was built wrong. Taking them was just a matter of respect towards other people and cultures who do things differently. And it wasn't something I had to do because I was bad, but it was a choice I got to make because I'm good. Because even though I think lots of you are wrong about stuff like monogamy and necrophilia and incest, I respect what you think about it and try not to inflict my values and stuff on you. And it's because I try to be good and it's a choice I made. N and the Professor pointed out too how species with special things that affect other people, like the ones that have invasive telepathy or like smell really bad have to have regulation too. Professor Spock says he doesn't brainfuck people unless they like, really really go for mental penetration, or something.

"But now that really hot nurse told me my suppressors aren't working on some people. I don't know what to do because this is how I naturally am and it feels really wrong and bad to turn people down when they are so nice and sexy and they want to have sex with me. But that's probably not respecting their culture and stuff and that's wrong too.

"Plus my ship blew up and I don't know what I'm doing here and I need to get laid soooo bad. Frowns all over!"
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