
Jul 26, 2009 21:44

I'm one chapter into the second LOTR book (the 2 towers). I can't believe i never took the time to read the trilogy before. Really i should be ashamed. i'm always bad mouthing people who just go and see the movie instead of reading the book its based on and here i am guilty as charged.

I got my stroller yesterday. its the kind that has the carseat/carrier included so you can plug the carrier into the car. Its kind of light brown with polka dots and jungle animals. a little boyish but thats ok its cute. I was also looking for a swing because cita wants to get me that, and it was ridiculous how much drama she makes over such a thing. Its like she wanted to get me one and then every one i picked out she said she didnt like it. well really who cares, its going in MY house. Dont offer to get me something and ask me to pick it out if you dont want my opinion, sheesh i could care less. I dont need THINGS to make the baby happy, im more concerned with her having a loving family.

I feel like the only people i ever hang out with anymore is taylor and my mom. which is really ok with me. They are the 2 people im closest to, other than wolf and even tho we sometimes fight i still want to hang out with them the next day.

I played LOTR monopoly with taylor the other day and i've never actually beaten someone so bad. She wanted to keep playing so i just started keeping track of her debt to me and it got into the 10,000 mark. I kept buying her properties to lower it but it was bad. I really hate normal monopoly but we get so into LOTR (the money is powers etc)

And as far as my mom goes i had such a good time shopping for the stroller because she was there. My grandmas can be a little hard to endure at times and my mom and i were laughing because we were both so easy going abpout the whole thing and both grandmas wouldnt stop complaining!!

I really want the baby to call my mom "mama chickens" its an inside joke.

Right now i'm drinking too much mountain dew and looking up buttons to put on my myspace. My to do list grows and grows but i find if i do at least one productive thing every day its not so bad. i should be able to enjoy the little bit of summer vacation that i have even though i'd rather be working.

Im thinking about taking the Amtrack up to visit Adrienne in orlando. If i do i think it will be a fun adventure. We'll see. Its so hard for me to do anything or make myself do anything outside the norm. I just get so accustomed to my boring little life.
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