"look what G-O-D just did to us man!!"

Sep 21, 2008 01:49

Lost needs to hurry up and be on TV again.
last night House agreed that LOST is better than sex, like way better.
Well i dont know maybe LOST and sex and Harry Potter combined. YES!

So last night was interesting. its kind of sad because its been so long since i actually had an event to put on my LJ.

Started the day hanging out with my fave cuzzy and making guacamole for the pot luck party.
We got there early so i could do the hosts hair as well as melissa. (im such a damn cosmetologist at heart) The party slowly filled up and my gaucamole was well recieved!!!
Soon enough theres like 60 people smushed into this hot ass apartment and EVERY single one is smoking a cigarette or a bowl, so being like the only person who doesnt smoke it was fun fun fun. nothing like sweaty st.pete kids drinking and smoking all around you.
nah it wasnt that bad though im used to it.
The list of people i knew was pretty shocking though.
i mean talk about awkward...
Wolf's Ex, My ex, wolfs ex best friend, sharps,and of course theres always carrie <3

The best part was the raffle table, i was going to buy a ticket but then the dead gecko that was up for grabs blew off the balcony so i decided not to...

there was much obnoxious laughter from me, my cousin and the host. I can be really annoying sometimes...

We left by like 12 when someone said the cops were there (they werent) and melissa and steven needed sleep for work.
But i was still wide awake so i called wolf to try and crash onto his plans/guy night.

luckily they needed a designated driver and i was bored so it worked out.

so Eddie house wolf and i head off to tampa

Theres nothing quite as funny as pulling up to the Penthouse Gentlemen's club in your dirty suzuki aerio and having a valet guy run up and hand you a ticket.
Then i walk in fucking still stinking of cigarrettes and sweat and wearing beat up boat shoes and just cause i'm with Eddie we're VIP and they escort us to our vip table where we proceed to order a $48 steak. talk about nuts...

man i finnally get what wolfs always talking about with the vip thing. it is living the high life.

so my night was full of adventures and i had a great time just letting my hair down and like getting out for once. it was worth it. its rejuvinating to live a little when youve been living inside a shell for a while.

so in more broad news:

-im trying desperately to get A JOB, its looking good for planet beach, i have my seccond interview next week.
-i am now the treasurer for PSO a psychological student group at USF, finally getting involved in something extracurricular.
-my dogs are almost trained, kind of
-i adopted my sisters hamster
-i cut my hair all off and dyed it brown but not in that order ( i hate it)
-still planning a honeymoon to NH in january
-my sister may actually be dating someone her age!!
-wolf and i are doing splendid
-im going to paint my house soon
-thats it.

ahhh life. maybe it ain't so bad after all.
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