cobra starship (huge picture post)

Nov 22, 2008 00:26

so we saw cobra starship on the was AMAZING! i broke my rib and its driving me crazy but it was definitely worth it..

we also stayed in our favorite hotel and i am still missing that bed.

There are so many pictures (big pictures) and videos behind the cut so beware!

And if you are on my friend's list and have no idea who i'm talking about take a look and maybe checkout some better quality videos...while i love their studio stuff these guys are a million times greater in person.

There is a reoccurring theme of shoe shots in this. haha these are jeffrey's (& mine in the upper left corner)

We had meet & greet passes. No Gabe (cause of his throat) or Nate (b/c he was visiting family in Atlanta) but it was still great to meet everyone else and they were all super friendly.

Alex and I

Ryland and I...he is seriously taller than me. He's even kinda bending down here. lol

and me and Vicky t

Please note that I looked half way decent at that doesn't last...

We then got early entry and i got like right behind the people on the barricade...that also didn't last. As soon as Sing it Loud came on things got INSANE! I got pushed to the barricade and managed to stay there. I broke my rib from all the pushing against it. Here are the pics of Sing it Loud... They were good, lots of energy and nice hair haha

and a shoe shot

The one guy playing the guitar (not lead singer) decided to crowd surf. he was unbelievably heavy to be so skinny but it was cute how as he went over everybody he kept saying "i love you guys."

Then Hit The Lights came out...They were pretty good. they reminded me of like a local band or something though...But again fun, good energy...

shoe shot haha

at this point, it's been crazy. i'm being pushed and people just keep crowd surfing over my head. every few minutes i'm covering my head so i don't get hit...they're pulling people out because they're to hot. So they start spraying us with water from water bottles...

i then looked like this

People were covered in water and sweat. It was actually great though. I loved it. People were sharing waters and sharing them with the security people...haha. Then Forever the Sickest Kids came out...
They moved alot! And they had way to much smoke or something...It was ok, but at this point i was kinda ready for cobra...

This guy eventually weirds me out, during one of the songs he like comes up looks at me and lets us know his fly is open and makes a really creepy face:

After this there was more water on us and more people being pulled out...

i looked like this:

gabe fixed something

everything set up

and it finally started...i'm warning you now...there are lots of gabe...i'll try to refrain from posting them all

not the best pic (it just personally appeals to me)

gabe has no ass :)

the only picture i could get of nate :(

If I only got this would have been good enough ;)

Gabe stepping on the barricade. a shoe shot

he looks a little crazy here

gabe's official shoe shot

ryland has sweet moves

Their performance was unbelievable. i loved every second of it.

Here's some videos--When you see the floor, that's me ducking and covering my head cause someone's going over me

Forever the Sickest Kids- Men In Black

image Click to view

Cobra- Beginning of Church of Hot Addiction (lots of bad singing from crowd in this one...and i quit taping after someone goes over my head)

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Cobra- This is the medley. (lots of craziness...gabe steps in front of me and people go crazy around me and then theres people going over me too)

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Cobra- Prostitution and Papparazzi--at about 35 sec Gabe trys to grab my camera and i scream (it was tied to my wrist) he then steps in front of me and it's crazy again and it take me a minute to get situated.

image Click to view

I have one more video of pleasure ryland and guilty pleasure but everywhere i try to upload it to says it's to big. oh well...just trust me that it was amazing and maybe you read all of this and you know it or maybe you just looked at the pictures and you know it...
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