Apr 28, 2011 00:17
What's worth time and money:
Solar energy power
girl scout cookies/ boy scout popcorn
finding a good plumber
school levies
new tires every 3 years
a 64 count box of crayons
- crafts
- anthro (religion, self-help, quotes, how-to)
- poetry
- short stories
- peer- reviewed education and behavior journals
a good dentist
a good bank or a friend that understands investments
a sewing kit survival box stocked with buttons, thread, different needles, safety pins, hot glue, paperclips
- records
- instruments (in moderation)
- tickets
bi-annual automobile diagnostics
a good friend that understands the laws... or becoming friends with your lawyer
- experiences
- journals
- technology
going to the movies
getting your oil changed every three months