Welcome to my world

Dec 21, 2012 12:00

Writer, wonderer, wanderer. I tend to ramble on about writing, books, traveling, and all things metaphysical as well as the daily happenings in my life. I started this journal when I came to Santa Cruz, California in January 2004. It's full of my experiences here, plans for the future, and occasionally nostalgia about my past.

I want to add friends who are in the process of evolving, who like to explore the things that interest and change them, writers, wonderers, and wanderers. I don't always comment, but I always read your posts. I keep my friends list small because I am interested in what you have to say. You don't have to post often, but please let me know you are still around every little while so I don't delete you one day. Comment to be added.

More about me:

On Life: I have an insatiable interest in cosmology, metaphysics, quantum physics, philosophical fiction, and the study of human nature as well as pushing the limits of human potential. If I'm not listening to a lecture or reading on these topics, I'm writing about them. As I go about my life, whether I'm star gazing, driving for miles and miles, or doing yoga on the beach, I'm always weaving stories in my head--stories that want to exist, stories that need to be told.

On writing: I've written numerous short stories as well as two novels and two movie scripts. My first novel, Falling Up (the physical and philosophical journey of a girl named Marty), is complete--I'm currently in the query process. My second novel, Sun Over Konocti, is undergoing major revisions. My two full length movie scripts are currently set aside for editing. To read snippets of my writing come tumble with me: http://heyjupiter.tumblr.com (I update my tumblr at random--keep checking back).

On books: I'm a used book store junkie. I love reading fiction that infuses philosophy, and I love non-fiction about spiritual journeys and all things metaphysical that encompass astronomy, astrology, time, religions, and world philosophies. You can tell a lot about a person by the books they read--or so I like to think. Recommendations always welcome! My books at goodreads: Good Reads

On traveling: I think of my life as one big journey. I've lived in Ohio, Wyoming, Montana, and California as well as out of my car everywhere in-between. I've trekked from the arctic circle via Alaska to the villages of Lake Atitlan in Guatemala, from the city streets of Bogota to the tropical Colombian jungle coast of Tayrona. I like to keep myself moving and evolving. Or maybe I just haven't found that perfect niche yet.

Dharma path: I've spent the past 7+ years intensely studying the craft of fiction writing as well as studying and practicing kundalini yoga. I am in the process of querying agents for my first novel, and my second novel is undergoing major revision. I'm also a certified kundalini yoga instructor currently focused on my personal daily practice as well as private sessions. My life purpose is to help bring/birth people into the new universal consciousness we are rapidly moving toward which I hope to accomplish through my writing and yoga classes.

Activities: I'm an outdoors freak. I can't get enough of being outside even if it's just sitting in the sun reading or under a sheltered porch during a thunderstorm. I love hiking in the summer and snowboarding in the winter. I practice yoga and do my daily meditation outdoors whenever possible. I sleep better outside than I do indoors. I could star gaze for hours and hours. You've never really seen a sky full of stars until you've spent the night under a moonless Wyoming sky. I love the high desert, the mountains, and the tropics. I think weather patterns are pretty neat.

Spirituality: I love learning about all religions and forms of spiritual practice though I don't practice anything specific. I believe beings/souls are spread across the Universe to help bring the Universe into conscious awareness of itself--I believe this idea is the basis of all religion and spiritual philosophy though it's gotten buried and lost through translations, politics, and time. These are only my ideas I've concluded through observation, studies, and meditation. I don't claim to hold any truth. In fact, I'm unsure if there is any truth because I'm a big fan of deconstruction as well.

Sat Nam
October 2012
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