Peace out, Barge.

Jan 05, 2011 01:01

Private to Rex.

Funny on the fireproofing. You know, I don't say it enough, but I love you. How's the new snake working out? Can I come over and help feed it?

Private to Erik

What I said while you were high on mistletoe still holds true, darling, the more I think about it.

Private to Uhura.

You know, I've been wondering... how would I know if I was ready to graduate? Really?

Public video

[Ana is holding a pair of jeans and a shirt and she looks at the camera disdainfully.]

You know, while this is cute and everything, it really isn't me. But thanks for the presents anyway. And things are boring, but you know what they say about New England weather? It applies to the Barge too: Wait a minute and things will--

[And then Ana just disappears. Bye Barge.]

goodbye barge

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