Jul 14, 2006 13:06
So i am in the standard oil building right now. for anyone that watches the hills, im in that really tight student lounge with all the computers.
i love FIDM. so far, i have no complaints. aside from having to deal with a smelly old homeless lady who wouldnt leave me alone, for a half and hour, while i was trying to do some reading, i love the people and i love the environment. everyone is so open to everyone and all the ideas that people coome up with. yesterday was my first day of classes. i had english comp. and the retail environment. i love my teachers. my enlgish teacher is the really soft spoken, rather young black women, originally from new york. she is one the nicest people i have ever met. and my retail teacher is a new mother. she talks about her daughter all the time. it's so cute. and p.s. i dont think i have ever been around so many gay people in my life. hopefully, in the near future, i will find myself a new gay best friend, not that i had anyone to replace...
today my first class sucked. it was technology and business applications, basically teaching the wonders of all the microsoft programs. my teahcer is for sure on meth. he is completely out of his element and i wanted to shoot myself. that class ended at 11. it's now close to one fifteen and i dont have class until three, but i dont have enough time to go home in between my classes, and besides, its a waste of gas and with gas prices as high as they are, i cant afford that.
i had a job interview yesterday at BCBG. i really hope i get it. for anyone that knows me, you ,know its one of my all time favorite stores.
i miss geoff. im seeing him later tonight with gaby and tyler. double date status whatup! he's so great. and im so gald he is out of Bishop Gooden, his rehab facility. that place was like a hell hole, and he seems a lot happier at the Kenneth house anyways. dude Bishop gooden is such bullshit. there is the guy there names Don who is a total flamer and he is clearly rather uncomfortable with himself, so he told on geoff becsause he thoght we were being too close or something. wow. im sorry i show a little bit of affection to my boyfriend. besides, it's not like he walked in anything. we were cuddling on the couch talking about tupac, of all things. so later that night after i left at like 11, the P.A. told geoff that if i ever came back on the grounds, i would be escorted off. FUCK THAT! geoff almost socked him. the good news is, si that he is doing really well in his treatment. his triggers for heroin have gone down quite a bit. im really proud of him. and his new house is tight as fuck.
Fourth of July was a big big joke. are you KIDDING me??? i dont think i have ever had a more tragic holiday going experience than i did on the fourth. Patrice was dating this 25 year old guy (whose family has more money than god himself) so we went to his beach house in huntington beach for the fouth. aside from the fact that we were completely tanked from noon till,...whenever we went to bed, the night was shitty. so there were these 15 year old girls there who he was hanging around quite a bit and i thought it was kind of weird how he would only pay attention to patrice when they werent around. anyways...to make a long story signifanctly shorter, she walked in on Francis, her boyfriend at the time, hooking up with one of the 15 year olds. hot i know. so we went party hopping on the strand and proceeded to get more shitty. and since we were so drunk, we couldnt drive home, so we had to sleep over. we pulled an amazing covert op. we bounced outta there the next morning at 645. and then we got lost. it was AMAZING. ha. we are so funny. we always have interesting nights when we are together.
anyways, there is so much more to write but i dont want to go into detail about a lot of it and it all requires a lot of background info or else you wouldn't understand it.
i miss you all.
xoxo bitches