Is it Johan badtouch time yet?

Nov 13, 2007 21:49

As always, here is my tl;dr app post copypasta'd from the app thread for reference, most especially in the case of app thread explosion. Um, enjoy?

Your Name/what you go by: Roz
Contact: Madril at, AIM: Dance With Merle (hidden mode always on), MSN: JN_Finch at
Your character's name: Tenma, Kenzo
Series: Monster
Background info:
To put this as simply as possible, Doctor Kenzo Tenma is pretty much the opposite of Johan Liebert.

Tenma is the youngest of three sons of a wealthy Japanese family. Following the example of his parents and one of his older brothers, he started his study of medicine in Japan. Tenma's father was so proud of his status at the top of his class in a prestigious college that he had his mind set on making said youngest son continue the family medical practice rather than the middle son, who also studied medicine. Things went not as planned when both Tenma and his mother strongly disagreed with the father's idea. Tenma found freedom from his family ties when he, with no financial assistance from his family, moved to Germany after being inspired by a brilliant thesis that he had read.

He made his home in Düsseldorf and quickly picked up the German language from a language school. He studied under the very author of the thesis that had inspired him, and after graduating from Düsseldorf University started working under his professor at Eisler Memorial Hospital. Heinemann, the professor and hospital director, trusted Tenma and quickly raised his rank in the hospital. Heinemann's daughter, Eva, also grew fond of Tenma - the two were engaged at the start of the "Johan Incident."

One day, Tenma was assigned to perform surgery on an opera singer. He was transferred last-minute from an operation on a Turkish laborer. The Turkish man dies as a result, and his wife finds Tenma and confronts him about the unfairness of favoring the opera singer over her husband. This deeply disturbs Tenma, and everyone else he speaks with seems to find his guilt unreasonable. Still, the Turkish woman's confrontation haunts him, and he decides to screw the rules: he has ethics. A young boy and girl arrive at the hospital, followed by the Mayor of Düsseldorf. The boy and the Mayor required immediate surgery, and the hospital director ordered Tenma to tend to the Mayor. Letting his new-found ethical code take over, he rebels by performing surgery on the boy and leaving the Mayor to a less skilled doctor. The Mayor dies, and the boy lives.

Hospital director gets pissed, Eva ditches Tenma, he gets demoted and treated poorly. But that's okay, because he did the right thing, right? Maybe not. Tenma mutters angrily about the horribleness of those above him in the hospital's rank in the presence of the boy he saved. After a night of hilariously angry drunken adventures, police visit Tenma early in the morning and inform him that the individuals that he had bitched about to the boy earlier had all been poisoned and died. Also, the little boy and girl who had been at the hospital disappeared.

The new hospital administration liked Tenma, and he was re-promoted. Yay! Except then about nine years later Tenma watched the little boy he'd saved shoot one of his other patients repeatedly and admit to the murder of the hospital director and the highly-ranked doctors. Whoops. At this point, the police strongly suspect him and he starts getting rightfully antsy. Tenma decides to try and track down Johan Liebert, the kid who poisoned the other doctors and shot another patient. He finds Johan's sister, Anna/Nina, who lives an ordinary life but is bothered by her lack of childhood memories. Tenma and Johan's arrival to her home open the door to let her memories flood back in, and drag her into a similar situation to Tenma's (Minus the whole "Being a fugitive"/mostly untouchable by Johan's standard thing).

Tenma then spends a very, very long time chasing and researching Johan, trying to destroy the monster that he resurrected. As he learns of Johan's history, he becomes increasingly appalled with the child and those who raised him. He also gains a certain degree of assertiveness that was never present before. Still, despite his new ability to threaten people, his job as a benevolent doctor shines through. Tenma continues to try and heal (physically and emotionally) anyone who he can, no matter how much of a threat they present or how awful a person they are. This is one point where he and Johan are most noticeably opposites: Johan seems to have a talent for finding terrible characteristics and insecurities of people or giving them a false sense of superiority to manipulate. Tenma can find the best characteristics of people or find ways that they can improve, and he uses these to encourage and give hope.

One of the primary themes of Monster is the raising and treatment of children, and we see that Tenma is excellent when it comes to positively influencing children (Arguably not quite as influential as Grimmer, though). Although he has no children of his own, Tenma shows an intense concern for children who he meets and almost always leaves some kind of permanent impact on them. The first example is his care of Johan and Anna Liebert. When other doctors ranking higher than him try to exploit the children for media attention, he goes ballistic. Other instances include his concern for Nina during their later meetings, his rescue of some of the children of Ruhenheim, making a girl who never smiles smile, and the giving of numerous pieces of advice to various children as he makes his way through Europe. One of the largest examples of Tenma's care is that of Dieter. Tenma eventually gains his trust after properly treating him for several injuries inflicted by his guardian. Dieter tells him what he wants more than anything else, a soccer ball, and Tenma almost immediately goes out and buys one as a gift for the boy. When he suspects abuse, Tenma makes the questionable decision to take Dieter away from said guardian and personally visits the director of a nearby orphanage. Dieter clings to Tenma as a father-figure - he idolizes him and follows him almost everywhere.

Even with so many 'followers,' Tenma is generally considered to be completely alone. When Lunge attempts to profile him, he awkwardly attends a social gathering with some associates and makes a pretty good example of Tenma's personality. “I am Tenma, I am Tenma, I don't fit into Japanese society, I don't ask for help, I have no place to go home to, I am alone,” he says to himself. Tenma's behavior and others' testimony further proves that Lunge is correct. This part of Lunge's character analysis is backed up by Eva, who says, “Kenzo got lonesome easily, and he was always alone,” and also by Tenma's tendency to try to repel others and run off on his own.

While chasing Johan around Europe, Tenma receives several opportunities to kill Johan as he had intended to do, but can never make himself do so. The very thought of taking away a life no matter how 'evil' nauseates him. As his own most harsh critic, Tenma often berates himself. When someone gives him praise, he tends to be flattered but will quickly declare that he is unworthy of it.

Tenma's most extreme act of violence is non-lethally shooting Roberto, an associate of Johan: he enters a state of guilt and self-loathing for about three months until he is comforted by Grimmer. In other words, when he hurts someone even (especially) in self defense, he angsts over it forever. D:

Anyways, as a final note, more on the result of resurrecting the monster Johan: despite making Tenma's life suck, Johan won't kill him - but that doesn't stop him from completely messing with his head. Johan appears to share two “visions” with Tenma: a vision of his past, and a vision of the end of the world. It's some crazy shizznit, and as such Tenma generally reacts as if he just saw forever whenever he sees Johan.

What they were doing/who they know:
Let's go with the recurring route here: A late visit to a recovering patient goes horribly wrong (as usual) when the recovery ward appears to have become peculiarly sandy and island-like.

Relation to Johan: Tenma saved Johan's life, chased him around Europe for (I believe) three years to kill him, and ended up saving his life again. Johan messes with him/generally makes his life suck.

Sample post:
For being in such a secluded place, this library is really impressive! Just another sign of the diversity around here: I can't even begin to identify some of the languages these books are written in. The number of those I've never heard of or read before should be enough to keep me busy for quite a while, and perhaps if I'm lucky there are still people around who can teach me things that can't be learned elsewhere or from anyone else. This situation has to have some advantages.

-That's odd, I actually recognize the people on the covers of some of these. I'm sure I just met her the other day. And him, and those two, and... I-is that supposed to be a drawing of me? It's a very nice drawing, but why would anyone want to write an entire book about me? Even with all of the media attention before, I don't think there's enough interesting material or speculation about me for something like this.

... There are more drawings inside. Some kind of story: me sleeping on the first page. Then a woman kisses my forehead and makes a quick exit. She looks in a mirror... Nina!? Why would someone draw this!? We were never that way! Is this entire thing just a collection of drawn stories about a non-existent romance between Nina and I? In the next two pages, Nina runs her fingers through her hair and smiles into the mirror, and is... Johan? That's... That's even worse! This whole book is a series of drawings that show him sneaking up on me to show affection in different... Sometimes extreme ways. They're... They're just drawings. Just a book of someone's drawings. He could never actually do something that strange without me noticing...

... Could he?

A list of things your character might have on them after they got snatched up and put on this island:
-Clothes! Woo!
-A pager
-A decent amount of paper money

**I believe that our Johan is from end-canon, so for consistency's sake I'll say that Tenma won't have any firearms on him.
**Additional note: I noticed that we had a Tenma on island previously, but I have no idea what all he did because this was way before I ever showed up, I think.
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