Things You Didn't Know About Clarice

Apr 13, 2005 22:48

+ Clarice is in love with Hannibal Lecter. (And you all knew this already, so you're probably rolling your eyes right now. Well, stop it. We've still got a ways to go.) However, she won't admit this to herself. Yet. One big reason for this is that whenever she comes near him, she sees in her mind the photo of the nurse whose face he destroyed; she doesn't trust completely that this won't happen to her.

+ Laundry is therapeutic for Clarice. So is exercise, practicing with weaponry, and performing monotonous, useful tasks like vacuuming. It's part of how she deals with her anger.

+ She was raised Protestant and spent years in a Lutheran orphanage, but hasn't got much faith.

+ Because of a bird she met in her childhood who stole daily from her mother's cleaning cart (she worked cleaning hotel rooms), Clarice isn't fond of birds-- especially crows, orioles, and blackbirds.

+ Clarice is very ambitious, mainly because she wants to prove that she's better than what her childhood has been. Any implication that she is "tacky" or "cheap" is absolutely despised by her.

+ Continuing in that vein, she feels a very strong need to prove herself in institutions and to authority figures.

+ Before her father died, when Clarice was a little girl, she wanted to be a singer. Mainly of country music.

+ Clarice was somewhat sexually active during her high school years, but eventually became disillusioned with it and focused instead on getting out of her town through her academic achievements. This switch took place the summer before her junior year in high school.

+ You might not know it at first, but Clarice has a strong sense of humor. When she's speaking with figures of authority, she tends not to show it, but it's there.

+ Clarice decided that she wanted to go into law enforcement at her father's funeral.

+ Although she shops at places like Payless and JCPenney, Clarice does not like this fact and does her best to hide it. She will never tell anyone where she bought things like clothing and furniture, except occasionally Ardelia (her friend and roommate).

+ Her worst memory is the death of her father.

+ Clarice's favorite subject in school was science, but when it came time to dissect animals (especially the sheep eyeball) in Biology, she had to be excused from class.

+ She has never heard the song "Redneck Woman," its having been written after her canon, but if she did, she wouldn't like it at all.

+ Clarice has been taught both by her parents and the orphanage she spent her adolescence in that theft is worse than just about everything except premeditated murder.

+ As Lecter points out, she wears L'Air du Temps when she wears perfume and uses Evyan skin cream.

+ Clarice can do a durn good Arkansas Hills accent. Also, she can tell a Southern Baptist from a Presbyterian at thirty paces.

+ She's always had a temper, but after she moved out of her aunt and uncle's house, Clarice started to get into fights with kids her age. This continued until well into the eighth grade.

+ Clarice hasn't eaten oranges or Sno-Balls since her childhood.

+ The strangest dream that Clarice has ever had occurred here at Milliways, and is in the previous entry. When I am not being lazy, I will link you all to it. Her most frightening dream is one that she does not clearly remember: all she can recall is lambs shrieking in the dark. She always wakes up crying.

More to be added later, probably.
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