(no subject)

Apr 14, 2007 17:10

I had to come up with something new now my cuties have finally entered the state of cuteness; being together.

I should post what me thinks right?

Well episode 7.08 Climb every mountain (CEM); for me probably the best episode ever. It topped it all I guess. Well TOTB was brilliant too and Returned favour was ery good too, and yes even Ties that bind (for all the Claire suckers; when CA got together) can't even come near this. It's not just SA that pull it off great, it's mostly Michala and Rachael showing their amazing acting skills. kate was a bit going crazy, but brilliant how she broke down realziing Jodi was still alive. And I loved the look of Jodi when she walked into the kitchen and looked at Stevie. Great! Yes Rachael has amazed me over the last episodes and the ones she found out she was a McLeod. Pity the show lost her ... Oh and Tayler, do I love Tayler, so sweet she talekd to Kate and she got Tucker. Brilliant move with getting Gillian on the show!

Now the important stuff haha ...

Stevie and Alex, well let's start with the start.

Alex was kinda a moron for not going with her to that meeting; fuck that truck! This was your chance. Marcus is quite clever, immediately jumping into it, leaving his big bro with a dumb look on his face. Aww, his brain works so slowly, but it works so we are glad. I kinda liked that confused look and Stevie not paying anymore attention.

Than the phone call. I like the fact setvie has a cell phone now (Jodi's?) Anyway, sigh, gosh the man is brilliant puttong on his soft, delicate voice. Makes your stomach turn. How he says he's sorry and that sweet look on his face, and Riley in the back thinking 'Man you've got it bad'.

And Stevie completely melts down, so so so sweet. Even over the phone their chemistry is beyond brilliant. Remember the dirty talk between CA, well that's the example of lacking chemistry, love chemistry, not friendship chemistry. Hehe and Marcus looking at her and seeing her completely getting all weak. Well Marcus wasn't it obvious you don't stand a chance?

Typically Stevie to jump into that convo with the man. Yes indeed, that's our girl. And than another call. Obviously Alex can't think of anything but her. Marcus saw another chance, haha and Riley is a smarty too. And Alex ... well he has his well known dumb look. Poor bloke didn't stand in front when the brains got given. Or it's just Aaron. Windmill darling?? ;)

I kinda like Marcus ... but saying Country music is crap!!! Geesh ... Aaron, Aaron play some Dixie Chicks for me please *good boy*

Haha, I so had to laugh when they started to dance. Girl, he ain't Alex, but he isn't the most unattractive guy in the world haha. But he knows his smooth ways. He should teach Alex a few haha

Oh guys, you so don't have any chemistry. When season 7 started I was really how Matt and Simmone would work; well got my answer for some time; 0,0. Awww it would have been nice to see Matt and Rachael together on the show. Oh yeah well she checked out his lips, might even would have kissed him (like Drew haha), but well she checks everyone's lips lately. or is it just a Simmo thing; touching every man who stand within a meter from her hahaha

Yeah motel scene.

Well you can stand at my door every second of the day like this. Yes indeed, wearing his hungry look shirt. Fine fine man, drove all the way to be with his girl.

And than she looks at him in that weak way and he says 'I was worried about yah', with his soft voice. Geessssshhhhhh *melting*

And than he checks out the room. I got no clue where he expects Marcus to be, but anyway, the man has a slow brain.

But man, is he fine or what!?
I love this part, they play it so cute ... and than his whiney boys look, when he doesn't get his way and knows he stuffed up.

Like always he is just scared she ends up in bed with Marcus. He has his strange way looking at things and not a clue how crazy she is about hims ... oh yeah slow brain ... but i do believe him when he says he's there because he cares, awww he says he cares.

But ah well let the man suffer a bit after the whole cow thingo ...

'Hi Stevie', hahaha Alex you are such a sucker for love

Please tell me she isn't checking out his bum again haha ...

I like how she looks at Alex during that talk with that bloke. And Marcus is so the fifth wheel on the wagon.
Just like when they walk of the stairs ... and than Alex apologizing himself; calling himself a dick.  So she tells him to get her flowers. okay really Stevie like, but I guess it all had to fit.

And there comes the dumb look again ...

Than the farm stuff chat at teh funeral ...

'Hang around have a bit of a chat', Oh yes very romantic Alex hahaha, but well he is using 'his voice' again, so Steves goes all weak.

So sweet!!

The fence at Litte Regret, hahaha, you must just love this show. Anyway, I see Alex has the same running talent as Stevie, not haha!

Tadaaaa .... fields of gold

Hehe, how they shout at each other, all happy. Stevie putting her high giggly voice on.

And than in the chopper. 'Alex can I look now?' 'Stevie just keep your eyes closed' giggle.  Hehe ... just two kids.

They look so genuinly happy! Love sick puppies.

I love this shot. how he leans forward to tell he she can look now, just after picking a flower.

I like how they kept it very SA. Not too romantic in their ways, but mostly showing how long they have been friends and all. They realy rely on their old friendship, while I thought that was completely torn to piesced after the whole cow thingo

It's Canola Alex hahaha.

'I finally figured out what is hould have said', awwwww .... well like I said, slow brain.

Than the 'I love you Stevie' Okay one nag point here. Darling Aaron, don't shake your head while tetling a woman you love her.
But. The way he said 'God I love you', wooohhhh!

Giggle, giggle. I know it's very cute at all. But Simmo, also a nag point for you. You are turning Stevie into yourself and I know it's tough to draw the line. Remember this weeks interview: 
Interviewer: 'So you and Aaron are friend for some time. But now thing seems to ...
'Simmo: 'They are heating up, aren't day?'
Very confusing, so I do like the Simmo way of giggling, but it's a bit of character. Remember how Stevie was with Kane or Jarred. She was weak, but i can't remember this weak. I know you have you're little crushes on the mana dn want to kiss him, but keep it a bit down please ... (just my advice haha)

And than he touches her and there goes her giggle. I love how she did that,; brilliant. If that's the way to put a stop to her giggles; keep touching her A! ;)

Than the kiss; safe, simple and sweet. Kinda fitted the scene perfectly, We don't need his anughty tongue all the time, wouldn't match now, especially cause she has to tell him she loves him too. Oh and she has a thing for his earlobe. ;)


It's just so sweet, and how she tells him she loves him too....

brushing over his cheek; perfect!

Squee, and I never want us to be apart again. Me either, giggle giggle giggle *shakes head*


Wait where is Alex? Must be somewhere between Bonfire's breasts hahaha

Oh there is our happy bunny, how sweeetttt!

Hold him tight girl!

That turning around in the field, sharing kissing is too cute, but the ending is so fun. They almost fall down.

And her feet touch teh ground but she pulls them up again, cause there ain't no way that girl will let him go hahaha.

Well I was first a bit nervous, it could turn out dissapointed; but once again did they a marvelous job. Thumbs up for Simmo and Aaron for giving us so much sweetness, love and tones of chemistry. I love it!

And now I'm very curious about what will come next. Well next ep will be the one with the kissing and all, while Stevie doesn't wanna go public. Sounds very interesting. And there must come a time Alex leaves cause of Aaron's sabbatical. And I'm also curious about Simmo's actions as we come close to teh filming time while she broke up with Jason. By the way; brilliant action with the cut Jason sign at the Logie breakfast! Girl power. She so deserves a Logie!

Well that's it, for now ...

mcleod's daughters, stevie, alex, review

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