Mar 01, 2004 17:31
Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. crying
2. falling in love
3. eating
4. falling
Name Four Things That You Wish You Had:
1. love
2. happiness
3. money
4. jeska at my house so that we could play hide and go seek
Name Four Scents You Love:
1. cologne
2. shampoo
3. alcohol
4. gasoline
Name Four People That Know You the Best:
1. jeska
2. my mom
3. Simone
4. Burn
Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. a tu-tu
2. a blink 182 hoodie ( haha stupid boy )
3. shirts that say stupid things on them
4. I wear what is comfortable
Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. i cant wait for the coheed show
2. about the sleep over at jeskas
3. about the duck
4. about how my heart wont stop hurting but im so happy at the same time
Name Four Things That You Have Done Today:
1. went to school
2. talked to chris
3. laughed
4. smiled all day!
Name the Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. shampoo
2. lotion
3. juice
Name Four Bands/Groups Most People Don't Know You Like:
1. coldplay
2. blondie
3. the yeah yeah yeahs
4. i have to admit... ludacris is hella cool
Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. strawberry juice
2. water
3. apple juice
4. those sobe drinks
First Grade Teacher's Name?
couldnt tell you
Last Words You Said:
cute little sleeper jeska
Last Song You Sang?
at your funeral saves the day
Last Person You Hugged?
Last Thing You Laughed At?
Last Time You Said 'I Love You' And Meant It?
to jeska
What's In Your CD Player?
coheed and cambria, 3rd eye blind, thursday, the killing season
What Color Socks Are You Wearing?
What's Under Your Bed?
What Time Did You Wake Up Today?
Current Taste?
Current Hair?
Current Clothes?
shorts, sports bra, and a green t shirt
Current Annoyance?
people says things when they dont mean it...fuck you
Current Longing?
for my heart to just get over him and fucking move on
Current Desktop Picture?
bunch of bands
Current Worry?
hes gonna do the same thing again
Current Hate?
that my good friend is going to get hurt
Favorite Physical Feature Of The Opposite Sex?
Last CD You Bought?
tora tora torrance
Favorite Place To Be?
with you
Least Favorite Place?
Time You Wake Up In The Morning?
If You Could Play An Instrument?
guitar or bass
Favorite Color?
dont know
Do You Believe In An Afterlife?
How Tall Are You?
Current Favorite Word/Saying?
fuck you
Favorite Season?
spring right before summer
One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To:
my dog buster
Favorite Day?
the weekend.. when im not grounded
Where Would You Like To Go?
to austin
What Is Your Career Going To Be Like?
tell you when i get there
How Many Kids Do You Want?
2, 3 at the most
Favorite Car?
A Random Lyric:
"who will be the last one who will sing you to sleep?" funeral for a friend
Identify Some Of The Things Surrounding Your Computer:
1. scanner
2. x box
3. cds
4. a stuffed animal mouse
5. candle