charloft prompt: Lists

Oct 25, 2009 22:17

5 reasons you would never ask your friends for advice:
1. If the advice were regarding something which would impact them directly, I wouldn't want to put them in a position of being torn between what they truly think is best and what would be best for them personally.
2. If one of my superiors were watching I'd be unable to ask any of my friends, because I am quite frankly tired of getting dressed down for having the audacity to consider my subordinates as intelligent creatures in their own right.
3. When we're actively being shot at, there's scarcely time to call a meeting.
I'm afraid that's all I can come up with; for the most part I am quite willing and content to consult with my friends and associates, as the more heads are turned to a problem the better the result is likely to be.

4 things you do with your money:
1. Pay Cuddles, as otherwise he'd be complaining constantly. Please don't tell him I've been doing it; Fish and I have been conspiring to make it look as though he's on our proper payroll, and he's just slow enough to not realize that there's no way the King's army would know to be paying a Yank.
2. Prizes for the Mademoiselle from Armentieres contest. I've a bit of a back stock, but the men liked those naughty postcards so well that I'll really have to put an effort in to find some more on my next bit of time in town, despite how poorly it reflects upon my own character to be seen purchasing them.
3. A few rounds at the café each time I'm in town - the men run out their pay so quickly, it's terribly sad, and it hurts nothing if I pop along and purchase the drinks once or twice.
4. Miranda says she's putting in a garden, so I suppose that's where my father's money is going at the moment.

3 reasons you should possibly see a shrink:
Oh, ask Miranda, I'm sure she has at least ten options to give you here.
(Ed. note: 1. abandonment issues; 2. pathological lying; 3. anyone who has to fight a war should probably see a shrink at some point)

2 places you'll never forget:
1. Ah, old Blighty. The rosy glow of youth and contentment colours all my memories, except the bits that take place in my and Miranda's house once she took to tossing bits of crockery at me.
2. The odds of my forgetting France are rather low, assuming I leave it at some point.

1 language you can speak:
I'm clearly fluent in English, and I have a certain amount of schoolboy French.
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