Rissa's turn, everyone. 'njoy.
I think the question I hate the most is:
How do you feel about that, though?
Because really, it doesn’t matter and it never will; if it has to be done, it has to be done, and that’s the end of it.
O-oh my goodness. What has to be done. I’ve never-I’ve never thought of-oh g-goodness, what do I do?
Mistake me not, I am not usually so reluctant nor uncomfortable to do my duty. But I-I’ve never even thought of-of that, or even how-
I am a shapechanger, you see, which complicates everything a thousandfold. No, not quite, for it is not enough to say I am a shapeshifter. I, Rissa di Andessn, am heir to the Chameleon-gift.
The what? Oh, I see-you are not a native Oneiran. While some shapechanging is considered simply a side effect of living in a land as unstable as ours, excessive shapeshifting is the province of the Chameleon, which-
Ah, forgive me. Many years ago, when the Dreamworld and Oneiros were closer together than they were now, it is said that the divinities of madness were three, that is; Jyukeleon, Raven, and Chameleon. Jyukeleon was a Greater Goddess, on par in power with the rulers of the four elements[the Mother for fire, the Earthmother for land, Aerit for air, and the Father for water]. She governed the Dreamland, and is depicted as a tall woman with eyes of pure orange and hair in the same twisting,roiling blues of the Dreamworld. Some say it is the Dreamworld, for it is never drawn as having an end. Yet they say the Dreamworld can change color? Well. Such is the nature of Oneiros. There are a few things that are known for sure, and some of those things must be contradictory-yet somehow, they are not.
I do not pretend to understand such things, as surely as I do not pretend at all to understand Elaan-ah, but that comes later. To return to my earlier point, Raven and Chameleon are lesser-gods? Creatures? No one can quite agree what- and they signify change. For Raven, who sponsored the DJs, it was the ability to change the world around you, for Chameleon, it was the ability to change oneself.
And today, when they have all been sealed, it is thus; to have one form, or two, or even three is no great strange thing, but to be able to turn into many, or turn into things which are not proper forms at all- this will bring you swiftly to death’s door.
Unless, of course, you are a dragon, for most gods have today given up on attempts at reform. Largely, I believe, because of their leaders (and a voice inside me shrieks Earthmother, how can I possibly deal with what the gods cannot?!). But I am not. I have the gift in full force which means-which means anything, I can be absolutely anything-and I certainly have no idea why me.
I have mainly contented myself with small changes. Balance, fingers, toes, ears, vocal cords, gender-though never the last since my father firmly assured me he would rather have his little girl than all the boys in the world. I-regretfully, I am still not quite sure I believe him.
But, doubtlessly, you are curious about Elaan. Ah, how to describe her?(without crying)
Elaan Goldspike, if you don’t recognize the name, is one of The Four-that is to say, the four who, centuries ago, led a force that conquered the many warring kingdoms of the Dragonlands and redivided them by the compass. Her lands are the West, though I tell you truly she spends more time in mine.
“oh, Rissa,” she scoffed.”You worry too much. Of course they’re fine without me!”
I was inclined to disagree, especially with the frequency her second in command, Zhan Bronzetail, visited in order to drag his wayward liege home.
…of course, it does one little good to disagree with a person whose favorite pastime seems to be throwing you into walls.
“Aww, but I believe in you, see? I totally know you can make it!”
I spent most of my childhood waiting for that one time when she miscalculated.
She is an irresponsible woman, preferring to laze about rather than finish her duties, and she has little interest for anything beyond combat. She is-and I say this with the highest respect-one of the most annoying people I have ever met. So how has she survived this long? The answer is simple:
She is a tactical genius. Oh, and a dragon. By herself, the woman is the equal of an army. And she shapechanges frequently-I suppose that’s why my mother encouraged our association.
For the past century, she’s been unable to use any of her Air-related powers. Something about a curse, is all I know. We’ve spoken of it perhaps twice.
“And imagine, suddenly you can still walk, but you can’t run, you can’t jump, you can’t fly.”
For once, her face had been serious. (It is one of the most frustrating things in existence to be soundly beaten and see that grin, and hear, “Oh. My. Gosh. That was soo quick. You should totally have been able to do better, seriously what were you thinking?”)
I had learned that her speech patterns(“No way, seriously what are you talking about, it’s just fun to talk like this, okay?”) were recent, stemming from about the same time as the curse. Because it frustrated her, and since that apparently wasn’t an acceptable state, she dealt with it by frustrating everyone around her.
I realize I haven’t spoken much about myself, but I honestly don’t know what there is to say. If I have to do a thing, I do it. I have little to no personal time.
And there is the bewildering part. Anansi seems nice enough, but-
I am well aware I am not like most people my age. And I do not have any companions, regrettably, that I may place on an equal level-politics, you know.
It feels almost as if I am waiting for something-or someone- to be interested in me, not Rissa di Andessn, Rissa-the-heir, just-Rissa. Odd, and unlikely. I certainly won’t hold my breath.