(Pictures at the're welcome to skip to the end.)
It all began with my drive to pick Jon up at Bridgeport. I had a fantastic small French Vanilla iced coffee light and sweet. This of course led to a lead foot once I hit New Haven because I had to go to bathroom really bad. **Note to self: Buy coffee an hour into trip next time.** Anyways, I picked Jon up and when we got into Niantic we parked and I showed him Hole in the Wall. Where he remarked that he didn't know that I lived "this close" to the ocean. *Moment of romantic gushing* It was beautiful out and just being there with him under the moonlight with the beautiful reflection on the water was amazing. Being held and kissed on the beach under the stars felt magical and surreal.
From the beach I brought Jon to meet my grandparents. And, as I expected, it was love at first sight. I believe my grandmother told my mother on Saturday to send me back to school, but keep Jon. Grandpa and I showed Jon all the cars and I showed Jon my baby album because I was chubby and bald, but I was cute. We visited for awhile and then we grabbed some food and went home. Thrusday night consisted a decent attempt to watch a movie. Okay, that's a lie. We put on Serenity knowing that I had no interest in the movie and Jon had already seen it. After a fantastic night we went to bed. Okay, that's a lie too. We were in my bed. But, it was hard to fall asleep. Eventually, we did fall asleep.
On Friday morning, Jon woke up at 10. I wanted to roll over and sleep more, but apparently, when Jon wakes up it's expected that everyone has had enough sleep and everyone is to wake up with him. We watched Chicken Little with Sabrina and Justin while mom got ready for work. Jon decided he was hungry so we got ready and went to The Shack. While Jon was in the shower I was talking to my mom when she said that she thought Jon and I had jumped into the shower together when I had taken a shower earlier. I asked her if she would have minded and she's like no, Justin and I do it and so do Sabrina and I, it's a communal shower. First of all, TMI, but all in all, hell yeah. My mother had given me permission to take a shower with my boyfriend, needless to say, if I hadn't completed my make-up and hair I would have jumped right back in the shower with my baby, but no worries...
So, I took Jon to breakfast at The Shack where he met Russell, and a bunch of the waitresses. Kathy proceeded to ask permission to give Jon a hug because he was so cute, so of course I told her it was fine and she did. And, Jon loved breakfast. Please, it's The Shack, what's not to love about the food?
After breakfast Jon and I said hi to my dad and then proceeded on to Devils Hopyard! The ride on the way to the park was great. I love the conversations Jon and I have. We seem to manage to have interesting, meaningful and provoking conversations. He was talking about birth control for our daughter and how our son better keep his dick in his pants until he's about 15 or 16. Then we discussed what careers we wanted to pursue, how poor we'll be, how expensive it is to live in Connecticut and where we would want to live. I love the fact that Jon's not afraid about talking about the future. There is such a stereotype of the man running in the other direction the minute a woman mentions the color white or the action of getting married, but not Jon. The future is far ahead of us, but he thinks about it and I love hearing his take on things.
Devils Hopyard was breath-taking. Jon and I took tons of pictures in which I ordered prints online to give as Mother's Day gifts and surprise gifts for Jon. He took an amazing picture of the waterfall and I'm going to get a large print of the picture and frame it. He has an interest in photography and I figured the picture could be some sort of inspiration because it turned out beautifully. Jon and I took the notorious "kissing pictures" which all came out heart-warming. Next time he comes home with me we're going hiking at Devils Hopyard, but I had flip flops on and we had to pick my mom up from work.
Jon and I then went to mall, met TC, went to Best Buy, picked up mom and watched part of Get Rich of Die Tryin'. It's really good by the way. Then we were going to go to visit my grandparents again because my grandfather loved him so much he asked him to come down and help him move something heavy. However, Jon happened to end up in my room behind a locked door and I just couldn't control myself. We played Monopoly. Okay, that's a lie. We didn't play any board games. We finally ended up at my grandparents and then we went out to dinner before seeing a movie. We went to see Silent Hill which wasn't fantastic, but it wasn't all that bad.
We went to bed and woke up early to go to lunch with my dad and Rosie. We took a shower together. I recommend it. I'm not going to lie this time. It was the best shower of my life. I felt so awake and alive all day long. It was so amazing to share such a personal, intimate part of my day with him. Showers don't look small until you get two people in there. No worries, we created ways to save some space. We went to Pizza Works for lunch and we had a blast!!! Then we hung around the house for awhile watching the rest of Get Rich or Die Tryin'. We left early for the concert and made good time.
The Billy Joel Concert was amazing. First of all, I love giving great gifts. This was one of the best gifts I have ever given. He even said to me at the beginning of the concert he felt like a little boy he was so amazed and excited by everything. I glanced over periodically and I even cried a few times because I was so overwhelmingly happy with his fingers lightly stroking my knee and his other hand tightly holding my hand. This weekend it felt so real. I felt less like a dating couple and more like we were living together ready to spend the rest of our lives together. I felt solidified, like the threads between us had been tightly woven. Everything felt so right. Billy Joel was absolutely fantastic. He was so talented and Jon and I heard some really awsome songs we knew and some awsome songs we didn't know, but want to listen to again and again.
After the concert Jon and his hormonal girlfriend Ms. overly-emotional-future-oriani cried in the car after a discussion on Jon's smoking habit. Apparently he was under the impression I didn't care, which I clarified didn't mean that I wanted him to smoke, it meant I prefered him not to smoke, but he needs to make that decision for himself and I'm not going to leave him because he smokes. He got super quiet and I started crying. He was super sweet trying to get out of me what was wrong when really I was upset by the fact that I just told him that I dislike the fact that he smoked and he didn't respond for a good ten minutes. It killed me and I cried. We talked about it for awhile and I started crying harder. Especially when I came out with "I want to spend the rest of my life with you and I want you to be here for that." Needless to say, he promiced me that he would quit smoking by the end of the year.
At about 1230 ish we went to Super 24 hour Wal-Mart to go grocery shopping. The girls may understand this, but you can really tell a lot about a man by the way he is at the grocery store. I saw the rest of my life flash before my eyes. Jon is on top of things. He's like grabbing the carriage and rushing off for food and I'm wandering out of fatigue watching my super man grab ingredients to make a three course meal when we get home. I swear I didn't touch a single thing. He did all the shopping, I definitely gave him some advice, but he is such a fantastic help. Once I teach him how to cook, we're so golden.
We get back to the house at 1 in the morning and make dinner together for the first time. Now, I'm dead tired, but I can't tell you how easy it was so feel awake when I'm teaching my man how to cook because he really wants to learn. What could be better than a man that's trying to learn to cook? I taught him how to cook cheeseburgers and how to make the pasta from a package. We made dinner in twenty minutes. Record time. Jon made us a salad and we sat down to eat while watching Boondock Saints. After eating we ate some of our ice cream and then we started falling asleep. We went to bed. Sunday morning we got up to go to breakfast with my dad at JR's. I think Dad's warming up to Jon. He was laughing and joking at breakfast so things are good. I talked to Jon about my dad and how I'm all he has and I think Dad sees him as the man who's taking away his little girl, but I think things are going to be just fine. Jon can totally blend in with the outspokeness of Grandpa and the laid back quietness of my Dad.
After breakfast we bought some flowers for my mom and grandma and then went home to watch some more of Boondock Saints. Grandma and Grandpa came over for dinner. Dinner was great. Jon was quiet, but Grandma and Grandpa told the infamous stories of their travels. Some of them are hysterical. Grandma has had a month of many transitions and she's doing great. She laughed so hard she was crying. It felt so good to see my grandparents so happy. I love how open and loving my family is. I love the perfect fit of Jon and I, my family and Jon and my entire weekend.
I cried the few minutes before Jon got on the ferry, and then I was sobbing for about five minutes after he got on the ferry and I sat in the car in heaving sobs watching the boat pull away. I cry everytime I leave him, but I have never cried that hard. This weekend felt so right. I love him. oh. so. much.
Jon walking away from the outhouse at Devils Hopyard.
Jon getting me back from the above picture by taking a picture of me walking away from the outhouse at Devils Hopyard.
The beautiful waterfall.
Jon's hand grabbing the camera from my hand because he thought he could take better pictures of us than I could. Great first picture, huh?
That's better.
Funny face!
The kissing picture (...yes, I made that mark...)
The best picture of Jon and I.
Jon and I before we went to the Billy Joel concert!
How sad I was after the ferry departed and took my love away.