LJ has changed hands, new CEO & vision?

May 30, 2014 00:08

Under Ex-Googler CEO, LiveJournal Gets A Revamp, Promises New Services, Apps And More In 2014 | TechCrunch

Specific line of interest here: Though the company wouldn’t speak to its revenue specifics, it would say that currently half of revenues come from user payments related to promotion of posts and premium features. LiveJournal also runs some advertising, but this is not its core focus.
(emphasis mine there obvs).

Reading her comments, she appears to both know what she's talking about and have a plan that, almost, makes sense, and is certainly better than the half baked ideas we've had from the previous couple of owners. Rambler&Co are, from what I can tell, Russian, but they're not SUP. I had completely missed the change of ownership, anyone know any details?
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