Over in
ruljautonews we
have a translation of
igrick's latest entry where he details some upcoming changes to advertising on LJ. Specifically, a modified form of the self-promo block that's already available on the Cyrillic homepage will be made available to all journal owners, with all proceeds from that block going to the journal owner. And buried in the
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And we all have social capital already, it just isn't displayed for non-Cyrillic users. That will be changing soon.
Hmm, it looks like that's only for communities. So maybe promos for communities only to start with for Cyrillic users? That's something else to think about, how turning tokens into money for who works for communities. I guess it's going to be the owner of the community, and that's one of the reasons they did that whole thing earlier.
+ if ((ref $ua_position eq 'HASH') || (ref $position eq 'HASH' && ( $u->journaltype eq 'C' || LJ::SUP->is_sup_enabled($u)))) {
But of course, it's just a small snippet, there could be later changes, and I'm only all that familiar with the DW codebase. Thanks for the info, though!
I keep waffling on whether personal journals would benefit most. I think that's true on the Cyrillic side, but not sure it applies for the circles I've run in.
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