LiveJournal sold to Russian Company SUP Fabrik

Dec 03, 2007 16:43

I will not repeat the news, as I am sure everybody already knows it. I want to say, however, that in Russian segment of LJ (which is second biggest after English) there is a strong opinion that the deal was planned to come through exactly after the parliamentary elections in Russia, so all the Russian blogosphere would discuss the fact of sale of LJ and not the unfair elections.

In my own experience, SUP doesn't work all that smoothly - my own blog is in Russian, although I live in Los Angeles at the moment. When SUP took over the Cyrillic segment of LJ, I started seeing a lot of ads for Russian products and services, in spite of having a paid account! Needless to say, it was quite an effort to opt out of SUP, by some mean irony of fate, it was completely futile, as SUP now owns all of LJ.

a lot of Russian LJ users all over the world are already talking of leaving LJ alltogether, as they are afraid about their privacy.

Just one more little detail - the Wikipedia article about LiveJournal is locked to free editing :)


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