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ex_uniquewo August 2 2007, 19:37:18 UTC
First, elfwreck is not my friend. They are another user who happened to agree with me on something and decided to write to feedback too. I find it strange that you assume that two people who agree on the same thing are automatically friend.

Secondly, no, I don't know what you're talking about. Have you seen how many members this community has? You would call that a mob? Then you call writing to feedback harassment? And you would call some members of this community writing to Feedback flooding? 0_o I don't know what made you imagined the scenario you described but, to me, it is highly unrealistic and exaggerated. There is no evil intent here or whatever. I don't know what elfwreck meant by when they said open a feedback request related to this topic. You assume it meant "go, fill in the form, and submit, not to express their opinion. " I don't. To me, that would be signing a petition. This is not what was suggested here. I don't even know how that would be feasible BTW. Would they just open a request and write a title and what? Nothing else? Sincerely, I think that people who would go to the trouble of opening a Support Request would also take the time to express their opinion.


andy August 2 2007, 19:47:02 UTC
OK, maybe I have misread something, or just misunderstood it, whatever, or maybe I have put my words in a very incorrect way -- you know, English is not my mother tongue, and such things can happen. I am not going to argue with you about this, anyway, and I'm sorry if something in my behavior is absolutely wrong.

The only thing I'd like to mention is: Instead of signing a petition by submitting similar requests, it would be better to collect voices in comments and submit it as one request. This would not lead people on the other side to be so frustrated of copypasting, and maybe we will get more reasonable answer.


ex_uniquewo August 2 2007, 19:51:32 UTC
English is not my mother tongue either so I do know such things happen. No harm done. It just seemed to me that you were seeing something that wasn't there. It happens. No worries.

Well, this is also a form of petition and, in my experience, it had never gone well with LJ. There has been quite a few already and it never helped.


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