Updates on SUP

May 14, 2007 22:20

Well to tell you the truth there's not much of new stuff. At least not the useful things. The only positive thing that SUP made so far - hiring lleo (writer and humourist)to go around ru_FAQ and fixing grammatical and style errors. However there are quiet a lot of negative changes.

I'm not even going to mention horrible flash advertisements...

First of all SUP added two more counters to LJ code. SCREENSHOT. (The TNS counter was implemented first in winter). Secondly, they changed their opt-out procedure. If month ago you just had to write to Support and ask to be removed, now they reply to you telling that the apocalypses will begin if you opt-out from SUP and you have to ask them again and confirm that it is your final request - you want to be removed from SUP. Lastly, I've been told that the users who had to go through above mentioned "confirmation" still get russian ads and counters after receiving note from support that they were removed from SUP. For example, I asked to be removed from SUP several month ago - have only US ads.


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