Front page notes

Apr 10, 2007 23:04

Sponsored communities are now in the main Spotlight box. They used to be in their own box, marked as sponsored. Now, only the userinfo icon serves to notify the viewer of the paid placement--a distinction that new LJ users won't pick up. This makes the Nixing Sponsored Communities script obsolete, but this Sponsored Spotlight Nix CSS can serve ( Read more... )

sponsored communities, stylesheets, ad blocking techniques, guides, frontpage design

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ex_uniquewo April 11 2007, 12:42:09 UTC
For Stylish users:

@-moz-document domain("") {

.sponsored-users { display: none !important; }

And it also works on the logged-out homepage.

Even more bad (?) news: (I suspect this will be for SUP users but...)


ex_uniquewo April 11 2007, 12:43:44 UTC
Any reason why this person deleted most of our help page:



ex_shattered767 April 11 2007, 12:50:25 UTC
Looks like vandalism to me.


ex_uniquewo April 11 2007, 12:56:10 UTC


foxfirefey April 11 2007, 18:14:23 UTC
Agreed--I've made you and I bureaucrat/sysop type folk so in case this happens again, it will be quick to block said person with a {{Vandal}} template to put on their user profile to boot. I think I remember kunzite saying he didn't want to be made that, that the_unadvocate was sufficient, so I didn't do it to him, but he can do it to himself if he wants with the_unadvocate, so that won't be a problem.


ex_uniquewo April 11 2007, 19:15:52 UTC
Cool. Thanks. I'd rather not log out so yeah.


foxfirefey April 11 2007, 18:15:59 UTC
Confirmation pages are *probably* a good thing, and only Plus users are going to see ads on them. And the Plus users asked for them, so.


ex_uniquewo April 11 2007, 19:19:29 UTC
Depends on what's on them. I like them when they've got useful links to other parts of the site. As for the rest...
I wonder about that Getting Started widget. I haven't managed to understand what will be in it yet. Maybe it'll nag people to make them add some interests or validate their e-mail address.


foxfirefey April 11 2007, 19:21:26 UTC
My suspicion is that the Spotlight is going to become a widget, and that's what necessitated putting the Sponsored communities into it.


ex_uniquewo April 11 2007, 19:24:48 UTC
Isn't it already a widget on the logged-out page?


foxfirefey April 11 2007, 19:26:04 UTC
...I guess I try logging out...


foxfirefey April 11 2007, 19:26:18 UTC
* I can try


matgb April 11 2007, 19:28:19 UTC
Looks like one, but if they are combining MyLJ and the logged-in homepage, it would make sense to widgetise Spotlight.

Especially because you can turn the damn thing off if you do. It's possible, just possible, that after they merge them, I might find myself going to the homepage for activities not involving looking to see how ugly it is, but i doubt it.


matgb April 11 2007, 19:33:29 UTC
Have booted up IE to look, and it has the appearance of a widget and has the following div/class:
div class='appwidget appwidget-journalspotlight'

So yes, I'd say it's already a widget to logged out users. Lovely advert it showed me, for a major chain of UK betting shops. Ah well.

Still ugly.


foxfirefey April 11 2007, 20:37:37 UTC
Oh man, I just did a refresh bang of that page. It's almost like a flash ad hall of shame.

I miss pmmarcov. The new guy hasn't shown his nose, not even in lj_ads.


foxfirefey April 11 2007, 20:04:07 UTC
Hrm, here's the logged out page.

Note that the URL gets my username, so the page COULD know that I'm a Basic user, and not show me the ad.

On the logged out page, there is a box ad, a sponsored community being promoted, a box for Peanut Labs, and a box with Amp'd Mobile branding.


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