More ads on the front page biz.

Jan 27, 2007 02:55

Not many people noticed the ads on news on the post around when they were introduced, but a quite a few have been noticing the new front page ads on the latest news post.

brad posts about being against ads on the front page, as well. But, as we all know, there are some issues you just can't win.

ad implementation, staff talking

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turlough January 27 2007, 22:50:26 UTC
Well, I'm pretty monofandomish so I don't know from personal experience what's going on in other fandoms, but from the impressions I get from multifandomish people on my flist and from following metafandom I would say that taken as a whole fandom on LJ is much the same today as it was a year or two ago, neither larger nor smaller. What has happened of course is that some individual fandoms have flourished enormously - SGA and Supernatural are the two behemots but Doctor Who has been growing a lot over the last year and so has the spinoff Torchwood - and that others have waned - Buffy, Harry Potter a little, and others I probably don't know about.

Whenever there is a problem with access etc you get some people who grumble about LJ just concentrating on adding shiny new gadgets and not making sure that the basic infrastructure works, but in general day-to-day discussions you seldom hear anything either positive or negative. A large part of my flist has either paid or permanent accounts and the few times anyone with a basic account asks about plus you either get people regaling the askee with horror stories about how the ads will mess up their layout (nice layouts are very important for many in fandom) and even outright offers to pay for a paid account. Of course the only policy I have when it comes to adding and deleting people from my flist is that I won't accept plus accounts so my experience is rather slanted when it comes to this.


blktauna January 28 2007, 15:58:55 UTC
The thing that I interject is that some people in fandom are so invested in Lj that any grumbling or complaint about how there isn't the privacy you think there is, or that posting your fiction in public communities makes it serchable by TPTB that are now _on_ LJ, or that TPTB do not in any way think your fanfic comm is free advertising... get you shouted at.

I don't like having my fannish stuff in the hands of some Corp who I do not trust to serve my privacy needs or to turn me over to TPTB when they demand it. I stopped posting screen caps here when I found out LJ sends feeds out containing my posts. I found my pictures in placed I didn't want, and my posts on aggregators. I don't want that so I had to friendslock everything since there's no way to stop them. I don't even trust that friendslocking works completely.

Modern fans are bizarrely innocent about this stuff and think the lawyers are happy to see them do music vids and fic and icons...

I hope fandom wakes up soon before anything bad goes on.


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