More ads on the front page biz.

Jan 27, 2007 02:55

Not many people noticed the ads on news on the post around when they were introduced, but a quite a few have been noticing the new front page ads on the latest news post.

brad posts about being against ads on the front page, as well. But, as we all know, there are some issues you just can't win.

ad implementation, staff talking

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blktauna January 27 2007, 14:51:54 UTC
I think the goose and the golden egg is a wonderful analogy here. That and the whole reap as you sow thing.

I didn't renew after the takeover and I come here less and less, usually only to stick my .02 on the news and design etc posts.

But honestly, who really didn't see this?


ex_shattered767 January 28 2007, 03:22:31 UTC
Apparently they didn't.


blktauna January 28 2007, 15:08:19 UTC
Well for marketing people, they sure haven't grasped their market...


ex_shattered767 January 28 2007, 15:20:56 UTC
No kidding.

Brad's worried that this ads on the homepage thing is gonna make Paid users stop renewing. Hate to break it to him, but people have been deciding to let their time run out for months now, and ads on the homepage is lower on the list of reasons than he thinks.


blktauna January 28 2007, 15:33:46 UTC
Oh you mean the like the crap service, the bizarre additions/changes and outages?

I'm getting annoyed with the whole database errors on comment posting thing and I'm never here. I can only imagine what regular users feel like.

And if there's a huge tax on the database, I can't imagine they don't know where its coming from. Cut that servie back or off untill you have the wherewithall to bring it back. The lack of common sense is stunning.


ex_shattered767 January 29 2007, 01:19:30 UTC
Exactly. And they weren't even the straw that broke my back!

That comment thing is just stupid. There's no other word for it, especially when a note of it supposedly being fixed is made in lj_releases. Oh wait, slightly different error message. Whatever, it's been happening for what, going on 2 months now?

Common sense and LJ - they mix like oil and water.


livredor January 28 2007, 20:39:24 UTC
Maybe Brad is worried about that. Myself, I suspect that paid users not renewing is really the least of LJ's problems. Having gone over to the sponsored model they don't really need the income from paid users. I think they're not even too worried about people leaving LJ, because for the huge majority, the community keeps them here no matter how degraded the service is. I suspect there's a critical threshold; either more or less everybody will stay around, or a huge proportion will leave, suddenly, all at once, and the site will die within a few months or even weeks. That scenario worries me, but I don't think it worries LJ much, and, well, it hasn't happened yet so it might not happen ( ... )


foxfirefey January 28 2007, 23:21:45 UTC
Myself, I suspect that paid users not renewing is really the least of LJ's problems. Having gone over to the sponsored model they don't really need the income from paid users.

I dunno, paid users still make up a sizable chunk of income. But I don't think a slow bleed of paid users, if that's what is happening, wouldn't discourage ads-on-the-front-page as much as encourage it. You put up as many ads as you can, and if people don't want to see them, well, they can buy a paid account if they actually cared, right?

I'll be able to see a little whether or not paid users are increasing or decreasing in a couple of days or so, as soon as my most recent profile download run is done.

I suspect that the real problem from a marketing point of view is getting new users to sign up.No, I think it's retaining the new users who do sign up--from a marketing point of view, they concentrate on getting new users to sign up to Vox. I don't know how many of the apprx 6-7 thousand new accounts every day actually come from new users, though LJ has a ( ... )


ex_shattered767 January 29 2007, 01:21:23 UTC
At this point, if I could throw the 11 months of my paid time in the trash bin, I would. I don't even care to keep it.


ex_shattered767 January 29 2007, 01:27:22 UTC
"I think they're not even too worried about people leaving LJ, because for the huge majority, the community keeps them here no matter how degraded the service is."

Of course they're not really worried. If they were, they'd start following through on half of the promises they make. Unfortunately, the service is pretty close to being crap as it is, IMO. (Come on, more outtages and site errors in the last 6 weeks than in the 2 years prior? LJ was completely failing to load for me the other morning, no matter what page I tried - what's this Paid account for?)


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