More ads on the front page biz.

Jan 27, 2007 02:55

Not many people noticed the ads on news on the post around when they were introduced, but a quite a few have been noticing the new front page ads on the latest news post.

brad posts about being against ads on the front page, as well. But, as we all know, there are some issues you just can't win.

ad implementation, staff talking

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jesspark January 27 2007, 12:09:26 UTC
That's so sad. On the one hand, I'm pleased that Brad still gives a crap about LiveJournal... but, on the other hand, I wish there wasn't reason for that post to prove it.

I don't know. I'm still upset at the way LJ's been handled--well, I was going to say "lately," when, really, it's more like "a while," but I'm finding myself caring less and less. Yeah, I still have an investment in the site -- after coming up on six years and just over four thousand entries, that's natural -- but I don't have a lot of fight left anymore when it comes to "defending" this place. It's obviously not doing any good; as predicted, despite the repeated assurances from TPTB, the camel's taking over the tent.

I still post every day, but I've become so discouraged by all the drama and BS that it's put a bad taste in my mouth and I'm not as enthusiastic about LJ as I was even six months ago. Instead of thinking, "Wow, I have to post this to LJ!", it's more like, "Oh, I guess I should update," and, oftentimes, that winds up being a one- or two-liner private entry: a sort of Post-It note about my day rather than the detailed, lengthy posts of yesteryear.

Based on the entries on my friends page decreasing, both in number and length -- and those that are left griping about how LJ's gotten "boring" lately -- I'm probably not the only one feeling this way, and my friends list has always been composed of pretty dedicated LJers. It's not a good sign. Will other users start feeling similarly, and will such a great, vibrant community eventually go out with a whimper of apathy?, that was pretty emo and pointless. I blame the early hour; my brain is still asleep. =)


insomnia January 27 2007, 12:30:59 UTC
"Based on the entries on my friends page decreasing, both in number and length -- and those that are left griping about how LJ's gotten "boring" lately -- I'm probably not the only one feeling this way, and my friends list has always been composed of pretty dedicated LJers. It's not a good sign. Will other users start feeling similarly, and will such a great, vibrant community eventually go out with a whimper of apathy?"

What you describe is exactly the kind of symptoms I predicted would happen as a result of LJ's gradual shrinking of regular users. This shrinking is probably even more pronounced for people like you who have a lot of old users on your friends list, and who probably don't add new users to your list at a rate high enough to make up for older accounts going inactive / less active over time.


elfwreck January 27 2007, 15:13:36 UTC
I still post (not as much as I used to, but that's job-related, not LJ-politics-related), still read... but I no longer encourage people to get LJ accounts & join me here.


ex_uniquewo January 27 2007, 16:39:30 UTC
Same here. I would never send an invite or pimp LJ in any way. And I would never encourage anyone to upgrade to a paid account. I used to.


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