More ads on the front page biz.

Jan 27, 2007 02:55

Not many people noticed the ads on news on the post around when they were introduced, but a quite a few have been noticing the new front page ads on the latest news post.

brad posts about being against ads on the front page, as well. But, as we all know, there are some issues you just can't win.

ad implementation, staff talking

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insomnia January 27 2007, 11:55:19 UTC
I left a long comment to him about how ironic it is that he of all people is complaining about LJ's slow bleeding, since he was the one who opted in to it.

I also appended the story of The Goose Who Laid the Golden Eggs to the post, as it seemed appropriate.

I don't really expect he'll unscreen the post, but at least he should get the point.


soph January 27 2007, 15:51:54 UTC
He didn't really have much of a choice... LJ was sucking up his time and energy when he wanted to work on other things. It wasn't that he wanted to get rich off of selling LJ.


ex_uniquewo January 27 2007, 16:53:09 UTC
Honest question: did trying to keep his focus on development and stuff mean that LJ had to be sold? Could there have been management changes or some sort of reorganization or is that completely unrealistic? Anyway, no point in dwelling on what you can't change, imo.

One of the points, if I remember well, is that he/they/LJ wanted to be able to do more, to grow bigger and that required more money, more employees, etc. Well, they did but at what price?


insomnia January 27 2007, 16:55:00 UTC
He had to sell LJ because it was sucking up his time and energy? I just don't believe it. It's still routinely requiring 10 hour working days.

Brad had similar arguments about LJ from the first day I worked with him, back in 2000. The problem wasn't that it sucked up his time. The problem was that:

1> He couldn't let go and delegate.
2> He didn't play well with others, pissing off the great majority of open source developers who came forward to help.


livredor January 28 2007, 20:28:21 UTC
Honestly, I'm not sure how productive it is at this point to have a go at Brad. I don't deny that he has his faults, but as you point out yourself he doesn't really have much power these days. And you might well believe that he should have taken a different course from selling LJ, but it happened the way it did and we can't go back now.


ex_shattered767 January 28 2007, 03:44:12 UTC
He did - I skimmed it before leaving my own comment.


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