New badge ad

Jul 12, 2006 03:56

Seen my first badge ad that wasn't for LJ itself.

TADA! Uberfuze )

ad implementation

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Comments 2

matgb July 12 2006, 22:23:46 UTC
Bah, can't see the point. For our purposes, is a much better tool anyway, you can even log into LJ with it.

Haven't set my account up (yet), but it looks rather good for google-fu potential.


foxfirefey July 13 2006, 08:13:23 UTC
I was just pointing out an ad that I saw on LJ when looking at a Plus journal for debugging purposes. This is the first "badge" ad that I've seen that wasn't for LJ itself. (Loyalty userpics! Virtual gifts!)

Maybe it's just me that's amused by the whole snake-eating-its-own-tail aspect of it all--sites supported by advertising supporting other sites supported by advertising...


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