More Vox and Ads

Jul 10, 2006 01:06

I've done a quick checkaround of meta-posts on Vox about ads on Vox and LJ.

Kynn wonders:I suspect that one of the design goals of Vox was to create a blogging system for SixApart that had ads built into it from the very start. Rather than trying to add them on later and hope the users will adapt and accept it.
in this post on Vox. pmmarcov (well, Patty, she uses her Vox a lot more) is succinct in answering: "Yep." (Patty also answers a user's muses about the ad mix.)

It's interesting to put into context with what stillcarl mentions in this post:
Here I'm thinking of course of Vox, formally known as Comet. Now, if you read this, you'll notice that Comet was "something we’ve been working on for over a year". That was in September 2005, so they'd started on it in 2004. Meaning before they bought Live Journal in January 2005.
Kynn also is wondering about the Amazon affiliate links (and is not the only one)--perhaps a future revenue making feature we'll see on LJ down the line?

Past posts on Vox from staff about LJ ads can be found here and here. There's also a bit of irony in this post from their (and our?) dev team:Some of the cell phone carriers (we're looking at you, T-Mobile and Verizon) add random titles, advertisements and other crud to the emails you send us from your cell phones. We're doing our best to de-crudify them so your post looks exactly how you'd expect it to.

vox, livejournal alternatives, pmmarcov

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