Sponsored+ Style Support Honeymoon Over

Jun 29, 2006 13:24

Remember the Sponsored+ announcement in news: "A note about styles: If you've customized your layout using overrides, your journal might not display properly. This is because your overrides might no longer apply to the new style code. If this is happening to you, it's not because ads are broken -- you just need to correct your overrides. If you need help, please feel free to open up a Support request!" [Emph. mine]

And for a while, Support volunteers would try to help the Sponsored+ users who reported layout overrides trouble, often forced by awkward overrides to recommend fixes that would only work for Sponsored+ and free users who saw the journal; the paid users would see the layout messed up because of the lack of ads. (Fortunately, ?style=mine exists.)

The hand-holding one on one help for fixing overrides for Sponsored+ is over now, though: "Due to the number of Support requests handled daily, LiveJournal Support volunteers cannot provide one-on-one customization assistance and so cannot assist you with altering your overrides," even if the only problem with the layout is ads. LJ customization communities are now the place to receive style assistance for Sponsored+ issues.

In other news, some Sponsored+ users don't have compunctions about hiding the ads with their browser, nor about encouraging their friends to do the same.

plus level abuse, plus level layouts

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