May 11, 2004 18:20
Crazythumbz: it was on my tv wen i turned it on
Crazythumbz: no way u jus wached it
Crazythumbz: it like went to like 14 rounds
Crazythumbz: and it stoped cuz of like fraisers eye
ASSFULLoFKARMA: i watched it from the beginning
Crazythumbz: me 2
Crazythumbz: like the part
Crazythumbz: where he was in the corner
Crazythumbz: crunched up
Crazythumbz: and fraiser
Crazythumbz: all like
Crazythumbz: punching
Crazythumbz: then he rabn out of breath
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and he says come back
Crazythumbz: and alis waves him bak
Crazythumbz: ya
Crazythumbz: lol
Crazythumbz: kklike 3 times
ASSFULLoFKARMA: that was such a good fight
ASSFULLoFKARMA: every round was fun to watch
Crazythumbz: ya
Crazythumbz: like boom ali boom boom
Crazythumbz: one round
Crazythumbz: then the other round
Crazythumbz: "fraisers left hook
Crazythumbz: is a killer
Crazythumbz: omg
Crazythumbz: but ali eth a jab
Crazythumbz: boom boom
Crazythumbz: hes the greates
Crazythumbz: hes a baaaad man
Crazythumbz: ali
Crazythumbz: waves the croud on
Crazythumbz: AL I AL I AL I
Crazythumbz: the croud roars
Crazythumbz: one two
Crazythumbz: jab jab
Crazythumbz: omg
Crazythumbz: the crowd goes wil
Crazythumbz: theres the bell
Crazythumbz: thats the end of 14
Crazythumbz: the croud is roaring
Crazythumbz: thats it its over
Crazythumbz: muhammad ali retains his champianship
Crazythumbz: "well dik im gonna retirw
Crazythumbz: retire'
Crazythumbz: now
Crazythumbz: its a lot of hard work
Crazythumbz: and im old
Crazythumbz: but still hot"
Crazythumbz: lol
ASSFULLoFKARMA: have u seen the rumble in the jungle?
Crazythumbz: no
Crazythumbz: ive seen rumble in the bronz
ASSFULLoFKARMA: theres this documentary called when they were kings
Crazythumbz: bronx'
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and its this whole thing how ali and foreman are gonna box in zaire
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and NOBODY thinks ali can beat foreman
Crazythumbz: but
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and ali keeps saying he'll beat him
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and they watch foreman hit the punching bag
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and he makes a dent the size of a watermelon
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and ali doesn't even care
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and the people of zaire are all in support of ali
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and they always cahnge ali booma yay
ASSFULLoFKARMA: which means ali kill him
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and then they finally fight
Crazythumbz: and
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and it looks like foreman is totally destorying ali
ASSFULLoFKARMA: ali just goes to the ropes and takes a bunch of punches for foreman
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and he does this for like 5 rounds
ASSFULLoFKARMA: then all of hte sudden foreman has no more power behind his punches
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and ali never got hit hard once
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and ali just knocks the shit out of foreman
ASSFULLoFKARMA: and he stuns the entire world
ASSFULLoFKARMA: its the craziest fight i've ever seen
Crazythumbz: did he ever pump his shoes up
ASSFULLoFKARMA: in the beginning