May 08, 2011 18:05
[Action, locked to 502 Ricardo and residents]
[Tybalt is vaguely aware that today is Mother's Day, thanks to what Haruhi's drone has been chattering about all week, which is all the more reason to avoid Gregg this fine morning.
However, he still hasn't dealt with a certain bit of business that Kurt brought up long before the boy's breakdown and the whole droning episode. Most of this is because there's a certain nagging in the back of Tybalt's mind that Kurt belongs in the Things That Are Very Easily Breakable And That Would Not Be Good box, as well as the fact that maybe avoiding Mercutio is a good idea.
He's not so good about staying in the realm of good ideas. So sorry, Kurt, your notdad stole your schoolbook and is rapping on the door of 502 Ricardo.]
bad idea bears,
reading is fundamental!