two tests tomorrow. two on friday and a quiz. working from 10-6 tis weekend. any bets on whether or not i'll be alive on sunday?
corey leaves tomorrow, which is sad. but hopefully, i'll get to go see her sometime.
daddy is taking Butch to Atlanta. i'm stuck with Big Butt Bertha. (the van) oh well. it has a better sound system. hmmm.
quiz time!
The Random Question Meme!
An array of completely random questions about my friends!
How many siblings does
esinator87 have?one!Whom does
donkeyloff get along best with?most likely quinnHow will
badberries die?drug overdoseHave you ever seen
eijbmoz naked?hehe, actually, yes i have. we went skinny dippingWhy is
visigoth_angel sneaking up behind you right now?because he's fucking insane
beautifully_odd: ninja, pirate, monkey, or robot?pirateninjaWhy did
sctsn5 cross the road?to get the shiny object on the other sideWhat would you most like to do with
last_unicorne?hehehe, uhh, get completely drunk off my ass and then run around singing showtunes, oh wait, we did that already, almost. :)Shouldn't
c3p0wnz be getting more sleep?most definitely. What animal does
sven127 most remind you of?something furry. maybe a collie or some other very furry dog.
This is by
heptadecagram. You can find your own completely random questions
Do you feel enlightened now?