Last Year. Last Week.
SCHOOLS OVER. Summer's begun. I aced all of my honors exams,
(except math = B+) cancelled summer school, and changed summer plans
for it to suit me in every way. So far, it's been working =]
This week has been amazing! (Only because I've made it that way)
I've been meeting HELLA new people, hanging out here, there, everywhere.
Dancing in my car, at home, with the twins, & making plans like woah.
This is just what I need before I go to Vegas. Oh Gawwwwd.
and when I do get there, somebody save me. XD It's gonna be a blast.
My Grandpa came here yesterday, and he's going back with me.
Even though he's the old fashioned asian dated a thousand years back,
and lectures me p e r s i s t e n t l y, I've missed him soo much.
He's even been bugging my dad to let me take my car to Vegas. hahaha
I can't wait to return to longing embraces and make more lifelong memories.
LAST NIGHT WAS BOMB! (2 graduation bashes) Kevin showed up at one, but
that didn't keep me from anything. Later, I left that one and crashed
another at Peoria with Trent. Omgomgomgomgomg =]
I haven't spent this much time with the guys in forever.
I haven't had this much fun in ages. & I truly think that I deserve it.