May 22, 2009 18:01
aside from how stupid this question is, because its really asking our opinions on monogamy and not wether we think it exists or not, i think monogamy is only important for the people who are very convicted on it. Personaly, i honestly dont give a flying fuck.
If my partner wanted to go and have orgies, or hook up with someone else, whatever makes him happy is alright with me, as long as you know, the relationship wasnt compromised, if a purely physical relationship was what the other wanted to have along with the full on emotional-sexual relationship.
marriage between more than two ppl would also be ok with me as long as the cirmumstances fit.
If three people equally loved each other.
i've had open realtionships, and they have worked in the past, as long as both members had adequate communication with each other, its when that communication starts to fail that the open-ness of the realtionship falls apart.
my bfs/gfs could honestly do whatever they wanted with whomever they wanted, as long as they let me know.
now, if im flirting with someone, and talking on the phone everynight with them, and having a pseudo-relationship with them as well as with the primary relationship, then thats not ok.
the point, in my opinion, of an open relationship or of nonmonogamy is to be able to have sexual realtionships with people other than your spouse, or bf or parter in general.
it takes very specific people for this to work though.
if someone were to get jelous easily, pft, thats a failure from the sart.
and just, there are rules you have to follow.
respecting everyone involved is crucial, and
safe sex is very important.
writer's block