Dec 07, 2012 17:08
I am going stir-crazy in this place. The second time is no easier. I'm surrounded by reminders of what came before and I have practically no distractions to keep from dwelling on the mountain of what is and what might be.
It doesn't help that we've been placed in the same quiet cabin Pook and I found ourselves in. Thankfully I'm able to use the bed this time, at least. Every line of the place holds memories that are difficult to shake. There was where Pook slept. There I sat and brooded while she slowly lost herself. We're forging new memories here, aye, but the similarities are strong enough that they bleed together. Here I am, watching over my hugely pregnant mate while she wrestles with instinctive responses she can't quite control.
Seb's done well in managing her reactions. She dislikes having people close, but hasn't truly lashed out at anyone. Her condition worsens by the day, however. She's started drinking a tea for the pain on top of all the other potions they're giving her. She's constantly sore and can barely move, which is driving her to the ends of her patience. She's always been an active person, and with the wolf, it's only grown stronger. No matter how stir-crazy I may get here, I'm certain she has it worse. Every twitch, every tiny groan, every hitch of her breath has me on edge as I wait for something terrible to happen. My nerves are frayed. Still, I put forth the best face I can for her; she doesn't need to fret about me. She has a great deal more to worry about.
The mage we visited in Dalaran when seeking aid for Seb's magic addiction has been skulking around, as it turns out. He told Kylevar, the young druid aiding the healers, that he was her brother, come to surprise her. Ghost tracked him down and I gave him a little surprise in turn. I distrust magic users and can't truly counter them, so I did the only thing I could think of in the moment -- I kicked him in the groin to be certain that concentration would be difficult. He tried to put on a brave show of it while I pinned him to a tree, but for all his supposed intelligence, the idiot had brought with him the seeming only copy of his life's work contained in his notes. He panicked when Ghost started to shred them, and it didn't seem faked. I traded our privacy for the slow doling out of his notes, one page at a time. He won't be getting back anything related to us, and I plan to read what I can of the rest of it.
I would have killed him, but he knows who Sebrawyn is -- and her situation with Silvermoon. He had a plan in place should he die, sending her current whereabouts to those who would hunt her down. Just another concern on top of the rest of them. Netah's foolishness will have to be dealt with as well -- I find my thoughts drifting now and again to what I plan to do with her.
Mostly, however, in the quiet moments when I'm not worrying over Seb or thinking about Kele, I dwell on Daltrien and Isha. We'd just found them when I left, and guilt has taken root in me that I haven't been back. Isha was so withdrawn, and Daltrien and I... we were just finding our feet with each other again. I've missed so much of their lives, and now that I know where they are, there's a part of me aching to be with them. Once Seb is well and Kele is settled I plan to travel there again, speak with Pook and Ming Wa, and see what we can do moving forward. There needs to be a plan... some form of resolution. And I need to know that Pook can handle herself with the children.
It won't be long now. Just a few days.