(no subject)

Jun 24, 2005 19:23

Brad do this. Brad do that. Brad I need ya to do a job. Brad just lay still and let me kick your fucking balls blue! I swear, the bossman is even more demanding then a girl. Hell, he acts lika girl all the time. Letting me do the dirty job. Can't let his pretty hooves get all dirty now, can we? Oh no, hell forbid. Satan, whata wimp. Instead he orders me around and sends me out to do the job.

Selfish bastard.

And how stupid can ya get? Sending anyone out for a job like that. I guess he gots scared shitless since he heard she was back. She and that little tag along watcher of hers. Ex watcher. Should be fucking dead watcher. Just like that Slayer chick. Why can't people and demons stay dead? I mean, I'd be well on my way to take over and make my name known around here if the fucking bossman had stayed dead! Coward. He's sending me over 'couse he's scared of the Slayer. One of the Slayers anyway. He goes around dissecting several, leaving their innarts all over the friggen place. But this one? Oh no... 'Brad, I got a job for ya.' She don't look like all that much to me. 'Specially not if ya consider she been a dead for a decade or whatever.

Selfish bastard.

And on top of it all? He gots this fucking *brilliant* idea to send some help along. And who does the moron screw up send along? That's right. Bai - I'm such a fucking bright light - ley. Bailey. I can't believe it. I'm stuck with the bitch again. Look at her. All squealing and happy and la la la. What kinda moronic way is that for any evil being to behave? Shame on her, like seriously.

"Bailey, get a fucking grip. We're only going to get the damn Slayer. Just... knock her out, grab her and get her back to the bossman, kay?"

Geeze, why can't he do the job himself with *her* as his only help.

Selfish bastard.

[Open to myself Bailey, and eventually Faith]
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