May 05, 2008 00:17
I couldn't sleep tonight, same old shit bothering me again. I took a longer walk this time. I Started out walking towards the central Dorms like usual, then I B lined it through the Franklin Parking lot (Oh this might not make sense if you haven;t been here). After that I went down the street running through campus and up the Morill Building alleyway. Took a left after much deliberating and walked to the main road once again. Then did a big loop back to Orchard hill; a little under an hour. It was good, but I still can' sleep. There was a pond with a culvert on the left side when i was walking the main road, the culvert was letting fog of sorts drift over the road and field, it's too bad there wasn't a moon and the Street lights dimmed the stars so much. I think it would have been a more successful walk if I had someone to talk to. However being 2AM not many peeps are up YO, and they wouldn't walk down a dark alley way with me as well. I've been Plagued with insomnia recently, not every night but enough to be irritating. ("Chew some Valerian root and get more exercise") I haven't been sleeping as well since about April 20th or so.
I know I really wanted to do Physics but I did Biology as a major instead, more feasible. I'm definitely taking as many physics courses as I can. Next semester I'm taking Physics 116 (relativity) Which I am stoked about. I mean a Bio. major can go into many different fields, but I was thinking maybe I could go to Alaska like my original plan; and study Predator behaviors or some such awesome job. Outside with Animals and all that. Obviously I would work in NE for a while and Find a Girl first, I would assume slim pickin's in Alaska. Who knows though, things Always change. We shall see.
lol Speaking of Slim pickings, How about that Umass?...No, no, I kid. I'm just not trying hard enough.
I Quit Playing World of Warcraft. My account Terminates on May 16th. My resume -
Urien- 70 BM Hunter (Troll) - Full Epics
Zuljinn- 70 Combat Swords (Troll) Rogue - 5 Epics
Beourn 41- Boomkin (Tauren) Druid
Bergil- 40 Arms/Fury (Undead) Warrior
And a few other minor Characters.
My guild will miss me But I'll still be In contact with all the guys back Home, and Probs Seig, Iwin and Southerngirl as well.