(no subject)

Mar 15, 2008 21:11

The other day I was talking to my roomate Kevin about Taco Bell. We both do not like it much at all and he suggested Never to eat at Taco bell ever. I was like, "well, since I barely like Mexican food to begin with, Shitty take out mexican food seems like it would suck even more. So, I'll probably never eat at Taco Bell, and by Probably I mean I won't" Two days Later my friend Foxhole walks in with Four crunchwraps tosses my one and says "I went to Taco Bell for Dinner Hope you don't mind". Things do seem to turn out that way. And I can;t help but Laugh and be confused at everything. Though some turns seem to be worse for wear than others.

I might stop tuning into Livejournal though I will certainly miss hearing from Pete, probably more than anything lately. They always cheer my up no matter what's going on. And it's fanatstic to always have a comment from him. Pete is like the comic section in the Newspaper, the best part and the rest is usually depressing or something you know is important but just can't bring yourself to read. For whatever reason.

(I used to Miss you)

Also Fuck you Matthew Arnold and your Dover Beach BS too.

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