Overlord Baal (Updated to reflect new information).
The Dark Assembly.
Status Screens.]]
All right, I think that's the last box... there!
With the kind cooperation of the Dark Assembly, Kourindou is once again open to the public. Anyone is free to peruse my wares, as there is probably something interesting for anyone among them somewhere. All patronage is appreciated, but not freeloading.
[filtered to Reisen]
(There is a small package placed at Reisen's door. Inside is a half-dozen high-quality peaches, and a note reading simply "Merry belated Christmas.")
[Kourindou is open! It is, basically, a curio shop, filled with all kinds of random shit, from all eras, magical or normal. A rusted sword here, a computer from 1993 there, a magic eight ball in the corner, sometimes even something interesting or valuable! He'll be picking up various things in the Netherworld and adding them to his collection, so feel free to assume that anything is in here, as long as it isn't too big to carry or too plot-significant to throw out without planning. Enjoy!