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(Text, Strikes backspaced)
Obviously the effect of the mistletoe-
The barge's habitual co-option of free will-
[And then she gives up.]
I refuse to address this to some sort of Earther religious figure symbolizing seasonal philanthropy. I will instead address it to my captor.
My requests, which I do not find unreasonable, are as follows.
For Rinzler one (1) copy of A Million Random Digits (With 100000 Normal Deviates) as a useful reference tool
For Rhade and Rassilon a basket of Auroran table grapes
For Dracula, a contemporary Auroran symphony (anyone considered accessible) and the means to play it
For Doctor Hannibal Lecter one (1) copy of Doctor Susan Calvin's Collected essays on Robopsychology
For the Doctor and Chromie, table grapes and juice.
And, influence permitting, Auroran fruit for Martha, wherever she is.