Sep 25, 2004 23:06
Stole this from Stephanie
Friends quiz!!!
best friend(s): nora steph erin kendal lindsay and paige
known longest: ive known nora since i was like 4
wish you talked to more: paige and lindsay brian
wish you saw more*~*: paige lindsay curt and kendal and brent
how many friends do you think you have: a lot
who drives you insane after a while: um none of them really
who can you stay around forever and never get sick of: definitely paige and lindsay
who you can tell almost anything: curt and erin and kendal and brandon
ever lose a good friend because you took it to the 'next level': no not really
craziest: lindsay...and amanda in her own way...cuz shes like serious about it hahaha
loudest: steph
shyest: nora
best hair: erin
can always make you laugh: erin kendal linds and paige
best eyes: i dont really look at im gonna guess kendal?
best body: um guy...brandon...girl...erin
most impatient: ummm im not sure
shortest: teri
tallest: stephanie
most talented: paige and teri
best singer: teri
skinniest: teri and rachel and jenny
nicest: rachel
best personality: probably paige and lindsay
i decided to stick with just a couple people....cuz then id be sittin here forever thinkin