So. How sad am I? Quite. I just read a fictional character's
"manifesto" and was actually deeply moved. I would post it here but it seems like such a waste of internet space to be copying and pasting (at least right now. I do it all the time.)
Today was a crazy weather day and so I stayed home from work. And as on days when I do not go to work, I thought about stuff. Random stuff. I thought about furthering my education, going to the gym, making dinner, soap opera predictions, career moves, JIVE, and surprisingly, NOT about the state of my relationship. (Woohooo!) I also thought about spreading misery through cyberspace- also something I do all the time. I thought that since this is my one true new year, I would articulate the resolution to not only be positive in my outlook but also to spread less negative energy. Oh god... I feel like I've been Dr. Philled. Next thing you know I'll be using words like "enable" in ridiculous contexts. (ex. Stop enabling your brother. He doesn't need to be any lazier.)
Ewwww. I hate Dr. Phil. (Oh, but Natasha- I remember you saying something about being less negative?)
Hmm. Trying to think of positive things.....
Trying to think of positive things...
Thoughts are always better hunken when in list form:
a) I am still feeling my jive endorphins. I also managed to do a small dance workout this morning in every single room of this house. 'Twas hilariously fun.
b) I am working on my resume because I have much to contribute to society and will also one day be able to afford a place of my own. And that one day will be soon.
c) I have managed to not purchase anything in a long time because I am no longer a slave to the material world! Wooohoo!!
d) I am well on my way to clearing my debts- WOooooooooooooooooohooo.
e) I am going to see Wicked in a few weeks and I will be going with my boyfriend who, much to his chagrin and to the dismay of some people including my saner persona, I am rather nuts about.
f) I am trying to eat healthy! (I.e.... there is now some form of Salad in my diet.)
g) My boss was nice enough to switch my shifts around so I wouldn't have to try and get home in this weather.
h) Frank Sinatra has a lovely voice.
(I can't recall who said it. I know I've never read it. I only know they tell me that love is grand and the thing that's known as romance is wonderful, wonderful in everyway, so they say.)