Mar 13, 2007 22:04
Little-Known Fact About Amy: #4,781
I am very afraid of spiders.
Unless, of course, I am quite positive that they are not poisonous or bitey in any way.
So I'm driving to the Bellis Fair Red Robin (today was my last shift!) this afternoon at about 4:45pm. I'm on I-5, going about 60mph. Everything's good. I'm singing to Fall Out Boy pretty loud in my car, excited about going to the concert in May. Life is good.
FUCKING HUGE SPIDER CRAWLS OUT OF MY AIR VENT. The thing u n f o l d s itself and hovers around the vent, every once in a while moving just enough to make me scream and say, "STAY AWAY FROM ME, PLEASE!" (I am always polite to spiders, they probably don't deserve my fear!)
I can't stop on the freeway; that would be ridiculous. "Um... officer... I stopped because there was a spider... in my car."
It starts crawling towards me. I can see its TEETH. I COULD SEE ITS TEETH!
It makes a little spinneretty strand and starts descending, closer and closer to my leg.
I'm quite positive by now that I will either be SpiderWoman, or dead within 15 minutes (because the quarter-sized spider is poisonous, in my head).
I'm freaking out for the next 7 minutes on the way to work. I park, bash the bastard with my keys, and it DOESN'T DIE.
So I put it in a plastic bag, tie it off, and put it in the trash.
But damn, it was scary.
red robin,
mother fucking spider