spn 5.08

Nov 10, 2009 01:38

Remember that whole review post thing I promised I would do, well surprisingly I’m doing just that. Belated, but still.

I cannot describe in accurate words the amount of girly giggles to outright, gut-clenching, laughter I made during this episode. It’s also amazing the amount of anticipation and shock I had for the very same episode that made me cry with fits of laughter a few minutes earlier. Needless to say that this is on the list of the episodes I have loved this season, past the onslaught of nothingness that was the past three episodes (though I really enjoyed the Curious Case of Dean Winchester). But now we’re getting somewhere and not the somewhere I didn’t want to be as in The Children are Our Future because that somewhere kind of sucked, and yeah, this episode was funny; there was no escaping the humor but it also was topped with a powerful scene that followed a major twist.

who knew? ( well except you spoilers people. :glare: )

The Trickster and Richard Speight, the actor that plays him, is one of my favorite minor characters in the show. From the first episode he was introduced I couldn’t help but to love the deviant little bastard and to have him switched up from what was an already a powerful being of a Joker-like demi-god to the even bigger powerful being of Archangel Gabriel was something that I could roll with. I liked it. I knew they were going to throw Gabriel into the mix it was just a matter of time. Being probably the most popular and romanticized angel ( aside from Lucifer ) in pop culture. I just didn’t know how they were going to do it and quite frankly I was wary. Were they going to go the Constantine way? Have Gabriel be a crazy whack-job bent on bringing evil to the world so that God might come back and cleanse it? That could go both to sides too. The angels and the devil seemed intent on doing more or less the same thing so I wouldn’t have been surprised if Gabriel turned out to be evol. That would of depressed me to the point where I have to take my quite five second moment were I remind myself that this is a show and is for pure entertainment only. But instead they bring forth a character that they had used before and really liked. I recently watched Tall Tales again ( love ) and I can easily see the characterization of The Trickster and how Kripke sort of put him in his pocket for a rainy day. He was great and why would you waist talent like that? But I could also see that Kripke didn’t know how he was going to use this piece until Mystery Spot. It was obvious from that episode The Trickster was going to play some part upcoming the rest of the show. I would like to think Kripke had it planned out from then, he would of had to have the angels planned by that time, so perhaps he looked at The Trickster and said “ I’m making you an angel. I’m just not sure who yet.” Consistency has never been Supernatural’s strong point but The Trickster to Gabriel had to be the most solid transition and twist on the show yet. Richard Speight played the same character straight to the very end. Even as the almighty Archangel he was the same person, not breaking it or becoming out of character. Everything about it was very believable. So kudos and love, because I seriously didn’t realize how much I love this guy until I watched Tall Tales again. Utterly Awesome. Thoughts on Gabriel-Trickster-Speight aside. Moving on.

and painful. and contagious.

Jensen and Jared are a comedy team made in..uh…Heaven. Seriously, I couldn’t help myself laughing to tears by just a look that Jensen would make. Like the “oh. shit.” expression when he was in the Nutcracker Japanese game show. Or Jared's absolute PERFECT impression of David Caruso.

(hatehatehatethatshowthatactorthatcharacterandnowIhavetowatchyousoIunderstandwtfisgoingoninthetrueCSIandCSINYforthatwheirdassthreewaytheyaretryingYOUSUCK!) But I have to say that the best part in the show is the legendary Herpes Commercial. THE BEST. There I watch, calmly fast forwarding through what I thought was a simple commercial..untill…SAM’S FACE!? Wtf? Rewind, rewind. OH. MY. GOD.

My love for Sam, which had been building up again from The Curious Case of Dean Winchester, is back in full swing once more. Oh I missed you Sammy. Now why did you have to make me want to punch you for a whole season and some change? Why? I don’t want to not love you puppy-eyes-Sammy-boy but you made it so darn hard.Cas has THE COOLIEST entrances. Ever. It doesn’t matter when or where he gets the BAMF train a-rollin’ every time. GOD I LOVE YOU. The smoke and everything! And when he turned to look at Dean and Sam and said “um..” he actually said “um..” Castiel, prim and proper, who even shut the door of the warehouse at the end of the episode that’s how pedantic he is, said ‘um.’ And in that I ‘um’ I heard: “ um.. WTF!?” O_o’ To the letter ‘T’. Gosh Cas. But then again when he was explaining that The Trickster might not be a trickster, “I got out." I heard: “Look, I’m awesome.” So I think my hearing might be impaired, hmmm…Pretty boy angel. He did not just say that. But he did and you know what? It’s the truth. Even the Gabriel can’t deny it. See that’s why he sent Cas to get pounded on, he jelly. He didn’t get the ‘pretty boy’ vessel like Cas did. Although I find Speight very cute, he ant no Misha. He doesn’t bring the sexy like Castiel does, sorry. I turned to my mom who was sitting and the computer in the dining room half watching the show and half reading fanfiction ( she’s trying to get into it, and I applaud her for that but at the same time she needs to keep her mouth shut about some things. )and when the guy said that line I said, “ You know, ‘cause he is.” With the hugest, goofiest, grin on my face. She just rolled her eyes but I like to believe she agreed with me. Dean is Batman. There really shouldn’t be any reason to elaborate on that. He is the immoveable force.

it’s thanksgiving dinner without the pie!

The family dynamic that their playing with for Heaven I can get behind but only if they don’t down play it either. Simply calling all of this a family squabble that’s going to end with everyone settling their differences is going to make me punch someone. It’s not. It is good vs. evil and you can put the twist of it into a more relatable category all you want but don’t lose sight of that. I do really like the way that they are going with the family thing, it makes things a little easier but at the same time I don’t want easy. I want someone to shove the fact that this is good and the bad and the ugly into someone’s face because that’s exactly what this is. Not just some sibling rivalry. The speech the Gabriel gave was basically just a rehash of what Raphael said even though I throughly enjoyed the delivery there was nothing new to be said. It’s sad that the angels, especially the Archangels, are at their wits end now. Their tired, broken, defeated by nothing more than time itself. Raphael watching the humans tear at each other and Gabriel watching his family tear at each other. When it came down to it, even in different positions, they just want it to end. They want it all over and for the pain to stop. So, yeah, the upmost sympathy for them. The light, however, the Castiel casts as someone who didn’t give up though is something that they should envy, not resent as they obviously do.

Gosh colleting all these thoughts that I have on this one episode is hard, there is so much.Hmm… Ok.
Knight Rider: Major Win.
Grays Anatomy: Indifferent.
Family Sitcom: Win.
Japanese Game Show: Win.
CSI: Win. But then went on the same joke a bit too long and then slightly failed. Herpes Commercial: EPIC.WIN.

I think that’s it right? I think that’s all I have on this episode but if I have anymore I’ll post them.

supernatural, review, reaction post

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