aah yes...it's that time again...

Apr 28, 2005 21:05

so basically, this is people that have played an important role in my life some way or another this past year. no names, no specific order, just guess which is your number i guess....

1. my greatest love. my greatest heartbreak. you've built me up then destroyed me more than i thought possible but in the end i came out of it a different, stronger person each time. and yes, those good times did make it worth it and i'll hold you close to my heart. no matter how distant we may become, who you were will always warm me back up to you-heh no matter how pretentious u may become ^_^<3

2. i don't know what it is other than love that keeps us so deep rooted in eachother but i'm glad for it. no matter what has happened to us in the past short three years, i've always loved you. and even if you pull my hair, put me second or go built mud huts in africa, no one can replace you. i'll never forget you and i hope to god i don't fuck up next year. my own personal conner-we've shaken the cycle, let's break it. best naps since 2002

3. allo motto! fucking mirror image of my personality!! thank you for being there for me regardless of what the issue was. for all those starbucks nights, borders/barnes and noble sit in's, SEX IN THE POOL's, dancing and making the smurfette splooge, for all the talks and mall trips...i'll never forget you darling. you are the best and you've saved me more than you know..nigga please!

4. oh how i miss you! my big brother away from home! i can't wait till i see you. two fucking weeks. you've always been a terrific ear and shoulder to cry on and i hope i've done the same. thanks for summer, christmas break and spring break. thanks for all those phone convo's and for knowing just when to call. pumping iron this summer? fuck yeah we better!

5. oh man. i'm can't believe how close we've gotten this yaer. when did it happen? it kinda seems like it's always been this way but i kno it hasn't. regardless i'm thrilled about it. gonna kick your ass in our match ultima game!! and thank you for listening to me vent and thanks for trusting me enough to vent back to me. and even tho u take everything TOO seriously, i still love ya. haha. and THANK YOU for all those stonehendge talks. now get of my grill-ha .

6. man. this year has been crazy. soo much wine. so much BEER. so much alcohol in general. dance parties. too many men. caffeine. ghetto rock. pad thai. photoshoots! but mostly beer and wine-haha. you've definetly helped me escape and gotten me into a few new bands. don't be so down, stuff will turn out alright in the end, it usually does. oh that sparkle gets me every time :)

7. random random friendship. i really didn't think i could become friends so rapidly with someone while they were away at college. but i'm glad i did. i loved the beach and your drunken speeches! oh especially the drunken rants...exept when the phone cuts off! but hey-we still have to go shot for shot!! don't forget now! i still have to silk screen that sweatshirt but oh-it will be bangin. ^_^

8. wtf? wtf? why haven't we hungen out before? why aren't we doin in more often? im so glad we spent that time together becase, seriously, i think u had a big part in reawaking my artistic drive...and you've made my love for ink's happen! diner anyone?

9. i miss you. im so glad i finally got to apologize. i do hope i'll be seeing you a lot next year and maybe step a little closer to how things were when life was much more simple. hah-before the dream. groupies for fucking evar. <3<3 you're truely amazing and as you change year to year, i'm still amazed at how there's no steady pattern to follow.

10. apathy killed us. yours did. the fact that u couldn't care less that i was gone just made me never want to step back. and even after i told you what was wrong, it was like talking to a wall. so there you have it...we're strangers passing eachother in the halls once more, with a weak smile and a flash of a memory of a time long gone. we were truely different but we made it work for quite a while but i guess i just wasn't worth the extra effort, huh?nevertheless i miss you and that song still brings a weak nostalgic smile or last summer. last fall. i hope you're well.

11. even tho u saw that something was up and put some effort to restore it, after the first blockade u gave up. i took it upon myself to try and fix it but since i got nothing back in return, i gave up too. i;ll always have the memories and if i'm ever up at washington park or a random field at 3am, the first smile from nostalgia will be dedicated to you.

12, even tho our aquaintance was very short lived, you made me change a lot. a lot. in those few weeks i learned your secret and adapted it as my own and oh how seemless it was. so thanks.

13. i heart you. you're an amazing individual whose amazingly strong not to mention fun as hell. our asian baby may have been rotten and i may suck at board games hxc, it wouldn't have been as strongly in my head if you weren't there. i do hope to keep in touch with you next year because you're to amazing to let go. who else will i watch crazy japanese movies with? and have random pancake lunches?! <3

14. i've known u since 6th grade but i think it was last year we really got close. i love tlaking to you but hate how little we do it. i kno it's my fault too but whatever. you're one of those truely genuine people i can't ger enoghu of plus u can relate to so much of my bullshit. and all those things u can;t, well at least you try to understand. i love who you are and am sooooo incredibly glad you're happy in life. SPOOOOONSSS. and one day i WILL kick your ass in bowling!! <3

15. you torture me waaaay more than u should be allowed. wrose thing is i'm never sure if you kno what a terrible game you play or not. right now i think you do and am so fucking bitter i fall for it. but what can u do, right?

16. your a sweetheart and really fun. i hate what this fucking guy is doing to you but what can i do but stand and watch? i do hope u ralize you're better than him. much much better. i love you for being the two beer queer you are and that amaretto kicks u hrder than it does me. fucking girls night rules and we do it right! fuck drama!! ^_^

17. sigh. even tho i kno you're gonna give me greif for putting yo uin here-fuck it! kamikazee driving with you is ter-fucking-rific. especially since maxine is the shit. 120 baby. and even if we do argue about alamony and who gets to keep the kids, i think we'll get through it in the end. do you kno why i pulled you over, m'am? haha-u fucking love me so shut up!

that said, i hop ei haven't forgettn anyone. these are actually pretty nice to do so yea..

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