....is this thing on?

Jun 09, 2015 20:23

Sooooo it's been a few exciting months! Which, uh, went undocumented because I fail at posting. Quick summary: I turned 40 (woot!); made plans for two trips in the late summer/fall (because vacation is crucial and should be taken whenever possible); read some fantastic m/m romance novels; saw an excellent gig by TV on the Radio, then Banks a few weeks later (this time at Webster Hall and oh, she's even more powerful in a smaller venue); saw Mad Max: Fury Road and LOVED IT with all my heart; watched all of Daredevil and um, loved Rosario Dawson and the lead's most excellent cargo pants; fell head over heels into hockey fandom, courtesy of Sidney Crosby (speaking of most excellent... uh, assets); and, over the course of the last 36 hours, binged all of Sense8 on Netflix and I already can't wait to watch it all again.

I'll share some thoughts on a few of these at some point when life slows down a bit, but for now, a multifandom vid rec: Fly by such_heights, which made me cry happy tears every single time I'd rewatched it in the past few days. Hope, determination, sisterhood, pride, challenges accepted, POWER. Get ready for it indeed. :)

Now also available on that other site!

music, life stuff, recs, netflix recs, hockey

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