A quick thought on the most recent Sleepy Hollow ep...

Nov 04, 2014 10:39

...okay, TWO quick thoughts:

1 - How the hell does Orlando Jones manage to look that good in such hideous clothes? Damn.

2 - This episode was gross, gross, gross: non-con pregnancy, use of Katrina as a fertile body/vessel (yawn, with a side of character development fail), Ichabod getting jealous over the fact that she's pregnant (sooooo much wtf dude), Henry apparently getting all the second chances ever because he's their son (pretty sure you're supposed to lose those after you get your mom demon-pregnant, buddy)... so, that wasn't great. The one moment I liked in the entire train wreck of the main plot was the exchange between Abbie and Katrina, when Katrina says she's ready to die to prevent Moloch from being born via her body - and Abbie basically tells her FUCK THAT, they'll find another way. I know it's wishful interpretation, but given what Abbie stands for - hope, change, refusal to give into the unjust terms set by others - it was nice to hear that line as a bit of meta commentary on Katrina's situation, as a woman stuck in a physical state she did not choose nor agree to, and as a character stuck in a godawful arc. Go, ladies. (Yeah, I'm easy like that.)

2.a - Speaking of ladies, can we please have Jenny back? I miss her.


In case you don't follow Mr. Jones on twitter, last week he released Sleepy Holloween Vol. 1 - a music mix/fanwork consisting of 20 tracks, several of which incorporate audio from the show and/or super fanfic-y dialogue he recorded with some of his co-stars. Talk about the breakdown of the wall between canon and fanon... anyway. You can listen to it on Soundcloud and download it for free here.

music, tv, girls girls girls

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