reach out to us with a healing hand / to the touch she's hot as hades

Jun 15, 2013 15:51

My icon is sadly inaccurate - well, except for the lazy part. Apparently I've developed migraines in my advanced age, which means I'm spending today in a dark room, curtains drawn against the DIVINE sunny day outside, trying not to move too much because, you know, my eyeballs could explode. But I feel very grateful that I can still stand to look at the (also very darkened) monitor.

So, here's some porn!

...and when I say "some porn" I mean some of the most beautiful gay porn I've EVER SEEN. (You know how you come across a lovely NSFW gif online and think it must come from an excellent source, but then you download the video and it's... not? Well, this one is actually some truthful advertising.)

Anyway. Here is the very NSFW link to stream the half-hour clip. It's another utterly stunning Cocky Boys production - if you can afford the membership, I'd recommend joining their equally NSFW site, so you can watch their videos in all the super hi-res glory they so rightly deserve. This scene in particular is not only top notch in terms of sheer cinematography, but I really like the dynamic: switches are my fave, and these (so very very VERY pretty) guys are quite mellow and relaxed about it, and they are both very much in tune with the whole BIG TIME SENSUALITY that seems to be the director's mission statement. Bonus points for sexy tattoos, a great scene of appreciative mutual gaze, cute (and ahahaha soooo staged) bit of a pillow fight; extra bonus points for lack of cringe-worthy dialogue.

Also, I really want that armchair you see about 7 minutes in. That's some gorgeous furniture.

Hey, want some summer tunes? Have my playlist. :)

get it here, boys

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