Uh, sorry for the spam. It's been a fun few days.

Sep 14, 2011 01:05

"There is a scene between Chris [Hemsworth] and myself at the very beginning of the film just before the coronation, which I guess didn’t make it in because you’ve got the scene with the two boys, which does the same job in a way," he explained. "It’s just before he’s being crowned king and we’re sort of teasing each other, I’m teasing him about whether he's ready, he puts on his helmet and I say ‘Nice feathers’ and he says, 'You’re not going to start this again,' we’re just being brothers. I turn to him and say, ‘I know, I’m joking. I’m very proud of you and I love you,’ and Ken made me play it absolutely straight so [Loki] means it at this point. They start out as two brothers who love each other in the most fraternal, epic way, and then the journey of the film splits them and turns them into adversaries. I was sad to see that one go."

That's his second fave, btw. Read more here.
Selections from Tumblr:

· Dear Tom Hardy, please keep hugging people. And I mean whenever possible.

· Classic for a reason: the Thor and Loki tying the tie - err, the cape moment, captured in fan art.

· I really, really hope the fandom translates this magnificence at some point in the future, because it looks EPIC.

· Are you watching Fringe? You really, really should.

Fringe is a love story about a man who loved a boy so much he broke the universe to save him, and it's about that boy learning to love a man he grew up hating. It's about two people drawn together by forces that transcend worlds, and falling in love. It's a story about love strong enough to break the world, and strong enough to heal it.

*wipes tear* Yeah, pretty much.

...hey, it's technically Wednesday! Appropriate icon: deployed.

lokiday, tv, in the media

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