It's been entirely too long since I last flailed over Hiddleston (shuddup)

Jun 26, 2011 18:04

(The Loki in my icon is thinking: "I'd rather be making out arguing with John Sheppard." You know I'm right.)

Btw, this post is a special newsletter for krisdia who totally, TOTALLY asked for it. (She did! Saturday night, over sangria! I have underage Russian witnesses!)


- this one covers education + career up to Thor including the fact that he performed in a production of Electra in goddamn original Greek (YES, FOR REAL), plus he quotes Stoppard (FANBOY)

- this one has the "omg omg Stoppard talked to us during rehearsal" moment (♥) and Grandage basically being in love with him (SUCH A REASONABLE MAN)

- this one has the bit about his pals doing a show at BAM; also, the interviewer keeps perving over his voice like there's no tomorrow (again, VERY REASONABLE)

- Henry V is actually a BBC miniseries! My non-existent budget is so relieved it's not going to be a play in London, and yet... I'm kinda sad. Oh well, there's time for him to do more theatre at some point between future inevitable Oscar nominations (and time for me to save up to see the show repeatedly, ahem). Anyway, yes, it's Prince Hal all grown up and going off to conquer France, and he's all smart and sneaky and pretty much awesome. :) The role's been done by Olivier AND Branagh AND Richard Burton AND pretty much every British heavyweight thespian, sooooooo - yeah, there are expectations. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers" - OH MY GOD I HOPE THE JOSS WHEDON SHAKESPEARE FANCLUB IS CURRENTLY ACTIVE AND I HOPE THEY'RE BEING FANBOYS TOGETHER (remember how the Buffy cast used to hang at his house and do dramatic readings of Shakespeare's plays?!) ...ANYWAY. FLAILING A LOT.

- a random screencap from behind-the-scenes of Othello (with swords!) from the most addictive tumblr EVER, run by newredshoes from whom I basically snag ALL THIS STUFF anyway, so you should go friend her! (Hey Kris, did you say you wanted the audio DL? There should be an active link in one of my previous lokiday posts.)


Oh sweet mother of handporn, I feel so very, very, very dirty every time I see this picture. Dirty and bad and WRONG.
He's recording a YA audiobook! For ages 9-12!!! SO MUCH /o\ I CAN'T EVEN. endeth the spammage. (For today.)

lokiday, in the media

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