sparky77, check out this short interview clip with Chris Evans in which
he geeks out over filming The Avengers.
Relevant quote: "We're stuck in Albuquerque, no one is from there, no one knows what to do, so when we're done with work if we have a weekend, we all go get dinner, grab a drink, go to someone's house," he said. "It actually feels like a team," he added, with a knowing smile.
So, um.
sparky77 has already started the chant for RPF. I am mostly trying not to pass out from the thought of ALL THE PRESS JUNKETS that will be awaiting us next year, because that will be a big pile of pretty with RDJ in their midst as the, uh, accelerator of shenanigans - you know it. I mean, think of all the interviews! Why isn't it summer of 2012 yet?!?
...meanwhile, somewhere in New Mexico, Joss Whedon might be directing Loki AS WE SPEAK.